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26th day of Running, Y11 March 25-26, 2009
Across Down
3. jhuidah
4. boots
6. well
7. yes
9. cheat
10. cup
11. geb
12. gabar
1. shy
2. kiko
4. bluenegg
5. one
8. acara
9. cube
13. bat
25th day of Running, Y11 March 24-25, 2009
Across Down
5. golden
6. kiko
7. cube
8. seek
9. bat
11. bori
13. one
14. orangetti
1. pteri
2. clock
3. moneytree
4. zed
10. tarla
12. koi
15. nox
24th day of Running, Y11 March 23-24, 2009
Across Down
2. godori
4. roo
7. cove
8. chia
9. ltd
10. scrap
12. sale
13. bat
1. air
2. gone
3. isca
4. rainbow
5. evil
6. shock
11. avatar
23rd day of Running, Y11 March 22-23, 2009
Across Down
5. primella
7. kougra
9. toy
10. nuk
12. bite
14. citadel
1. air
2. eel
3. fiery
4. jeran
6. ant
8. orb
11. uni
13. ixi
14. cookie
22nd day of Running, Y11 March 21-22, 2009
Across Down
4. one
6. blumaroo
10. zed
12. faerie
13. orb
14. red
1. four
2. bob
3. jam
5. sundried
7. lake
8. astrovilla
9. oak
10. zeenana
11. dachoo
21st day of Running, Y11 March 20-21, 2009
Across Down
1. jub
5. orb
6. timetravel
7. ltd
9. hat
11. negg
13. eyrie
1. jimmi
2. eliv
3. roll
4. urgoni
6. techosays
8. ogrin
10. tiger
12. eesa
1. new
20th day of Running, Y11 March 19-20, 2009
Across Down
2. gun
3. osiri
5. tunic
7. cube
9. hagan
11. studded
12. tasting
14. toy
15. tax
1. ruki
4. scissors
6. convention
8. break
10. garlic
13. nox
1. new
19th day of Running, Y11 March 18-19, 2009
Across Down
4. spyder
6. break
8. cobrall
10. ona
12. tekel
13. lint
1. dump
2. jade
3. orb
4. six
5. disown
7. cheat
9. lyins
10. olive
11. acara
1. new
18th day of Running, Y11 March 17-18, 2009
Across Down
5. toy
6. brucicle
8. spardel
9. evil
10. cloud
14. aisha
1. antlers
2. key
3. faerie
4. splime
7. ball
10. cup
11. ona
12. day
13. shy
17th day of Running, Y11 March 16-17, 2009
Across Down
4. onion
6. singer
7. faerie
8. kitchen
11. tech
12. neovia
13. koi
15. quinton
1. nox
2. vinarok
3. puce
5. convention
9. ixi
10. gelert
14. hot
16th day of Running, Y11 March 15-16, 2009
Across Down
4. moehog
8. fiery
9. feet
10. ltd
11. uni
12. orb
13. shearing
15. one
1. box
2. lowfat
3. shoyru
5. picture
6. spoiler
7. faellie
14. gun
1. new
15th day of Running, Y11 March 14-15, 2009
Across Down
4. tax
5. oak
9. usul
10. rise
11. evil
13. yurble
14. noil
1. goo
2. games
3. skull
6. fundus
7. strale
8. one
12. ixi
14. nox
14th day of Running, Y11 March 13-14, 2009
Across Down
3. mirsha
5. art
7. bomatoge
10. cockroach
12. evil
14. ball
15. gelert
1. chia
2. jar
4. gold
6. turbo
8. marrow
9. skull
11. chase
13. velm
13th day of Running, Y11 March 12-13, 2009
Across Down
5. eliv
7. kau
8. half
10. dice
11. pteri
12. ltd
13. shy
1. pink
2. snowbeast
3. pen
4. evil
6. ruki
9. faerie
10. dipni
11. plains
1. new
12th day of Running, Y11 March 11-12, 2009
Across Down
4. yurble
5. stock
6. aisha
8. eliv
9. kougra
11. frozennegg
14. adopt
1. chokato
2. laugh
3. zoba
7. slorgs
10. gone
11. fan
12. ogrin
13. eesa
11th day of Running, Y11 March 10-11, 2009
Across Down
2. geb
7. jub
8. crossword
10. gelert
12. bruceyb
14. nuk
15. oak
1. three
3. bows
4. superpull
5. moondust
6. green
9. cybit
11. red
13. bob
10th day of Running, Y11 March 9-10, 2009
Across Down
2. ruki
5. uni
6. judge
7. chia
8. drop
10. quiguki
11. tonu
12. evil
13. dive
14. egg
1. fake
3. kau
4. sundried
6. jacques
9. zombie
9th day of Running, Y11 March 8- 9, 2009
Across Down
4. gormball
6. slice
7. ixi
8. zed
9. nox
10. rock
13. uni
1. eel
2. frostbite
3. ubikiberry
4. grundox
5. dirt
6. six
11. cloud
12. eliv
8th day of Running, Y11 March 8, 2009
Across Down
4. two
5. geb
7. orb
8. proto
9. meriball
12. osiri
13. neodeck
14. shopwizard
1. bloop
2. one
3. acko
5. grobleen
6. box
10. rainbow
11. red
7th day of Running, Y11 March 7, 2009
Across Down
3. scarblade
6. advent
8. index
9. xarthab
12. lair
13. rock
14. acko
1. fan
2. tornado
4. cylara
5. rainblug
7. tash
10. tech
11. krawk
13. ring
1. new
6th day of Running, Y11 March 6, 2009
Across Down
3. dust
8. castle
9. nuk
11. gone
12. cry
13. one
14. clouds
1. kau
2. pet
3. day
4. sewage
5. arthur
6. monocerous
7. neopox
10. egg
5th day of Running, Y11 March 5, 2009
Across Down
4. talinia
6. hat
7. ppl
8. acko
10. faellie
12. roar
14. nigel
1. healthfrog
2. ixi
3. ona
5. lake
7. poem
9. royal
11. icenegg
13. lime
4th day of Running, Y11 March 4, 2009
Across Down
3. plesio
6. hissi
7. blurg
8. zygorax
10. undead
11. robot
14. von
1. cloud
2. sewage
4. scissors
5. coupon
7. box
9. acorns
12. bug
13. toy
3rd day of Running, Y11 March 3, 2009
Across Down
2. royal
4. sale
5. spotlight
7. eight
9. red
10. zed
11. mop
12. yurble
1. box
3. lint
4. skeith
5. slice
6. tyrammet
7. eizzil
8. tent
2nd day of Running, Y11 March 2, 2009
Across Down
5. ixi
6. yes
9. koi
10. ambition
11. eizzil
13. books
14. acres
15. nigel
1. boy
2. ruki
3. exam
4. tent
7. skyfire
8. comics
12. coral
1st day of Running, Y11 March 1, 2009
Across Down
1. bruce
6. xarthab
7. bows
9. poogles
10. ltd
13. roll
14. dart
15. matic
2. expellibox
3. art
4. shield
5. bot
8. snowbeast
11. gold
12. castle
1. new
28th day of Awakening, Y11 February 28, 2009
Across Down
No Data
27th day of Awakening, Y11 February 27, 2009
Across Down
1. cloud
3. geb
4. proto
5. poem
8. scram
9. onion
10. draik
12. isca
13. tiger
2. drop
3. gormos
4. picture
6. osiri
7. air
11. koi
1. new
26th day of Awakening, Y11 February 26, 2009
Across Down
4. eyrie
5. bugs
7. cutecity
9. pteri
10. bite
12. nuranna
14. ruki
1. jingly
2. misfortune
3. anshu
6. negg
7. cards
8. tartan
11. uni
13. red
25th day of Awakening, Y11 February 25, 2009
Across Down
2. run
3. day
6. evil
8. jar
9. boss
11. matt
13. rock
14. nova
1. wand
4. yurble
5. jetsam
7. neodeck
8. jhuidah
10. strong
12. acara
1. new

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What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.