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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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24th day of Awakening, Y11 February 24, 2009
Across Down
3. sweets
5. ltd
7. lumps
9. hippalop
12. lake
13. red
14. big
1. feed
2. tonu
3. soup
4. hero
6. talek
8. super
10. arnold
11. plushie
1. new
23rd day of Awakening, Y11 February 23, 2009
Across Down
2. puddle
3. onion
7. meat
8. meri
9. mug
11. bearog
13. roo
1. red
2. pink
4. nuranna
5. wellington
6. attack
9. meepit
10. geb
12. evil
22nd day of Awakening, Y11 February 22, 2009
Across Down
3. block
5. shy
7. tiger
10. spyder
11. orb
12. kikolake
14. kacheek
1. goo
2. rashpid
4. codestone
6. yes
8. geb
9. ruki
13. krawk
15. egg
21st day of Awakening, Y11 February 21, 2009
Across Down
2. dachoo
3. usul
6. flotsam
7. chomby
8. ona
9. esophagor
11. lizark
14. orb
1. hannah
4. smash
5. roo
6. fyora
10. ppl
12. zed
13. koi
20th day of Awakening, Y11 February 20, 2009
Across Down
4. gun
5. cove
6. elders
7. three
8. koi
11. iron
12. magax
1. kau
2. hero
3. jade
4. greeting
5. cutecity
9. roo
10. ixi
12. mug
1. new
19th day of Awakening, Y11 February 19, 2009
Across Down
4. milk
6. mipsy
8. tavi
9. sarn
11. scurvy
12. ixi
13. yes
14. sale
1. jam
2. eel
3. koi
5. invisible
6. merryberry
7. ltd
10. turtum
18th day of Awakening, Y11 February 18, 2009
Across Down
3. cockroach
5. ruki
7. chomby
9. blurg
11. chokato
13. ltd
14. tent
15. flash
1. race
2. three
4. karma
6. chocolate
8. yellow
10. goatee
12. aisha
17th day of Awakening, Y11 February 17, 2009
Across Down
4. attack
5. chia
6. esophagor
8. fiery
9. spoiler
12. anshu
1. match
2. rock
3. flash
4. abigail
7. sun
8. frank
10. pen
11. iron
13. hat
16th day of Awakening, Y11 February 16, 2009
Across Down
2. geb
3. war
5. matic
7. royal
9. cybit
11. castle
14. gold
1. meowclops
4. boy
6. lyins
7. roll
8. air
10. techo
12. two
13. egg
15th day of Awakening, Y11 February 15, 2009
Across Down
1. baguette
4. supersub
7. usul
8. cup
9. eight
12. zoba
14. war
2. gnorbu
3. kau
4. super
5. shy
6. buzz
10. geb
11. tree
13. blew
1. new
14th day of Awakening, Y11 February 14, 2009
Across Down
3. gold
6. extreme
8. three
9. roo
11. chia
13. cloud
14. match
1. whoot
2. red
4. drenched
5. pet
7. egg
8. tyrannian
10. ona
12. koi
13th day of Awakening, Y11 February 13, 2009
Across Down
2. blew
3. hissi
4. woe
5. dump
8. leather
9. star
10. hat
11. uni
12. grow
13. evil
1. jetsam
4. water
6. plushie
7. eraser
12. goo
1. new
12th day of Awakening, Y11 February 12, 2009
Across Down
3. nuk
4. wheelie
7. pet
8. gold
9. snacks
10. acara
12. yackito
1. ryshu
2. kau
3. negg
5. lucky
6. zeenana
9. scary
11. star
13. ant
1. new
11th day of Awakening, Y11 February 11, 2009
Across Down
2. shield
4. hero
5. ball
7. isca
9. tyrannian
10. lime
12. uni
13. grarrg
1. pharmacy
3. felf
5. bluenegg
6. royal
8. evavu
11. egg
14. red
1. new
10th day of Awakening, Y11 February 10, 2009
Across Down
2. ball
5. gabar
8. ixi
9. cry
10. smile
12. galgarrath
14. mop
15. red
1. slorgs
3. five
4. six
6. boy
7. quiggle
11. random
13. apple
9th day of Awakening, Y11 February 9, 2009
Across Down
4. monocle
8. orb
9. ummagine
10. chicken
13. ltd
14. ten
1. snot
2. roo
3. ppl
5. cookie
6. quest
7. fish
10. chia
11. ixi
12. nigel
8th day of Awakening, Y11 February 8, 2009
Across Down
1. achyhead
3. gold
4. plantmelon
7. royal
8. roo
9. woe
11. meat
12. ppl
2. half
3. goo
5. marrow
6. fan
8. roar
10. evavu
11. mop
7th day of Awakening, Y11 February 7, 2009
Across Down
1. tooth
3. cookie
5. meturf
8. dive
10. fish
11. block
12. chia
13. toy
2. tonu
4. ixi
5. meerca
6. two
7. roo
9. disco
11. bat
6th day of Awakening, Y11 February 6, 2009
Across Down
2. dull
4. sarn
6. grarrl
9. iron
10. sweets
11. hog
13. faerie
14. ruki
1. burrow
3. jam
5. ring
7. fish
8. neovia
12. ten
13. fake
1. new
5th day of Awakening, Y11 February 5, 2009
Across Down
3. genie
5. poogle
8. usul
9. ambition
12. deck
14. four
15. felf
1. one
2. koi
4. nova
6. grundo
7. kiko
10. mirgle
11. icenegg
13. cookie
1. new
4th day of Awakening, Y11 February 4, 2009
Across Down
2. quiche
4. glubgar
6. kau
9. snacks
10. evil
12. roburg
15. mika
1. geb
3. cirrus
5. aboogala
7. usul
8. lair
11. vira
13. ona
14. uni
3rd day of Awakening, Y11 February 3, 2009
Across Down
3. ring
4. dust
8. six
9. cookie
10. tavi
11. blurg
12. art
13. one
1. orb
2. invisible
5. super
6. goo
7. meturf
9. coupon
14. eel
1. new
2nd day of Awakening, Y11 February 2, 2009
Across Down
3. familiar
5. one
7. quest
9. gnorbu
10. boots
11. ruki
12. sale
1. ona
2. card
3. feed
4. lunara
6. banishing
7. quiggle
8. goo
11. run
1st day of Awakening, Y11 February 1, 2009
Across Down
3. ant
4. matic
7. coral
8. adee
9. yes
11. orb
13. tiger
15. scissors
1. poem
2. balthazar
5. monsters
6. match
10. olive
12. blurg
14. six
1. new
31st day of Sleeping, Y11 January 31, 2009
Across Down
4. von
5. pet
7. shenkuu
10. roll
12. roar
13. evil
14. vinarok
1. boots
2. frank
3. evavu
6. sewage
8. uni
9. fleapit
11. pink
15. red
1. new
30th day of Sleeping, Y11 January 30, 2009
Across Down
1. cry
4. lowfat
6. potion
7. bot
8. chokato
11. woe
13. ant
15. jeran
2. roo
3. rainbow
5. bat
9. hat
10. krawk
12. one
14. jam
29th day of Sleeping, Y11 January 29, 2009
Across Down
4. grow
5. zomutt
6. carma
7. boss
10. sitar
11. armin
12. wooly
14. exam
1. feet
2. break
3. frum
5. zambra
8. shadow
9. wand
13. yes
28th day of Sleeping, Y11 January 28, 2009
Across Down
3. vinarok
5. fungus
7. timmy
9. caylis
11. tax
12. leek
13. set
14. run
15. grow
1. laugh
2. poem
4. bugs
6. snacks
8. mysterious
10. jetsam
1. new
27th day of Sleeping, Y11 January 27, 2009
Across Down
4. lunara
5. cylara
7. iron
8. adopt
10. peaburger
12. evil
15. stramberry
1. altalaphus
2. war
3. shy
6. air
9. ppl
11. galem
13. ltd
14. kau
1. new
26th day of Sleeping, Y11 January 26, 2009
Across Down
2. jub
6. skeith
8. weltrude
10. air
12. jerdana
14. barry
1. hissi
3. burrow
4. eight
5. loyal
7. kauvara
9. eating
11. rock
13. day
15. roo
1. new

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This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.