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26th day of Storing, Y10 November 26, 2008
Across Down
4. fifteen
6. uni
7. chia
8. card
12. aboogala
13. jar
14. rise
1. ruki
2. white
3. dive
4. fishpop
5. mynci
9. dart
10. water
11. tag
25th day of Storing, Y10 November 25, 2008
Across Down
3. meowclops
5. ant
6. battle
7. benny
8. dust
10. negg
12. ubikiberry
14. ixi
1. two
2. faellie
4. expellibox
6. boss
9. torshac
11. gothic
13. ice
24th day of Storing, Y10 November 24, 2008
Across Down
3. warf
5. jar
6. bumbluz
8. grow
10. grimtooth
11. one
12. aisha
14. red
1. orangetti
2. bruce
4. fuzzitus
7. koi
9. fiery
10. genie
13. seek
23rd day of Storing, Y10 November 23, 2008
Across Down
4. six
5. one
6. cybit
7. boy
8. roo
9. five
11. race
13. spoiler
14. abigail
1. tax
2. astrovilla
3. tombola
10. spooky
12. comics
15. ice
22nd day of Storing, Y10 November 22, 2008
Across Down
4. ltd
7. gathering
8. pikis
10. facemask
12. ruki
13. geb
14. red
1. darigan
2. parsnip
3. itchy
5. garlic
6. arbiter
9. cup
10. five
11. acres
21st day of Storing, Y10 November 21, 2008
Across Down
3. nuranna
4. gabar
7. turbo
8. karma
9. grow
13. kiko
14. nigel
1. yurble
2. uni
5. ruki
6. fireyooyu
7. tag
10. water
11. five
12. vira
20th day of Storing, Y10 November 20, 2008
Across Down
2. pen
5. airax
8. tiger
9. ogrin
10. chia
11. ltd
13. rock
1. bloomers
3. evil
4. familiar
6. iron
7. frost
10. city
11. lupe
12. draik
19th day of Storing, Y10 November 19, 2008
Across Down
3. space
4. fungus
7. oak
8. itchy
9. scarab
10. egg
12. avatar
13. ten
1. kass
2. big
4. frum
5. ubikiberry
6. techo
11. gun
12. ant
18th day of Storing, Y10 November 18, 2008
Across Down
3. taelia
4. osiri
6. kiko
9. negg
10. trestin
12. disco
14. strong
1. guild
2. wellington
3. tips
5. ixi
7. kyrii
8. woe
11. seek
13. iron
17th day of Storing, Y10 November 17, 2008
Across Down
3. uni
4. disown
7. chomby
10. hiding
11. nova
12. mystery
15. kauvara
1. tunic
2. fir
5. armin
6. boy
8. huggy
9. jhudora
13. evil
14. cry
16th day of Storing, Y10 November 16, 2008
Across Down
3. roo
4. disown
7. fiery
8. gold
9. spaceslush
13. sushi
1. goo
2. shield
3. red
5. ice
6. nigel
10. ant
11. snot
12. hissi
13. six
15th day of Storing, Y10 November 15, 2008
Across Down
4. ixi
5. ant
7. orb
8. rainbow
10. goatee
11. dice
12. one
13. red
14. cola
1. nuranna
2. nimmo
3. peaburger
6. kacheek
9. webclaw
15. ona
14th day of Storing, Y10 November 14, 2008
Across Down
4. studded
6. sale
7. turbo
10. rainbow
11. yes
13. alton
14. kougra
1. bugs
2. tonu
3. lead
5. droid
6. spoiler
8. rashpid
9. orb
12. bika
13th day of Storing, Y10 November 13, 2008
Across Down
4. sidney
5. bob
6. pet
7. techo
8. grundox
11. starberry
14. neotrak
1. koi
2. mortog
3. neopox
5. bruce
9. usul
10. day
12. roar
13. zed
12th day of Storing, Y10 November 12, 2008
Across Down
3. bugs
4. kau
6. blew
7. ixi
8. guild
10. acara
12. eesa
13. toy
14. ltd
1. rashpid
2. timetravel
5. uni
8. glant
9. lake
11. ball
11th day of Storing, Y10 November 11, 2008
Across Down
3. card
5. oak
6. mop
7. hot
9. foggy
11. chia
12. rink
13. shy
14. eyrie
1. esophagor
2. nuk
4. diplomacy
8. wocky
10. ona
15. ice
10th day of Storing, Y10 November 10, 2008
Across Down
3. purplum
6. torshac
8. bloop
9. maid
11. bad
13. boy
15. red
1. whip
2. tunic
4. soup
5. chomby
7. gold
10. index
12. ant
14. orb
9th day of Storing, Y10 November 9, 2008
Across Down
2. poem
5. poogle
6. cloud
9. kau
10. tag
11. draik
13. cry
14. quest
1. hero
3. flouds
4. clock
7. dua
8. ona
10. turkey
12. ixi
. ???
8th day of Storing, Y10 November 8, 2008
Across Down
3. kau
4. dorak
6. plesio
8. jam
10. tiger
12. three
13. two
14. negg
1. dump
2. bori
5. braintree
7. leather
9. death
11. boots
15. geb
7th day of Storing, Y10 November 7, 2008
Across Down
2. escape
4. cove
6. meuka
8. arbiter
10. spoiler
11. von
13. gold
14. meepit
1. acko
3. oak
4. club
5. glare
7. explore
9. tarla
12. lair
6th day of Storing, Y10 November 6, 2008
Across Down
4. karma
7. run
8. kreludor
9. chia
10. capara
13. genie
14. set
15. skeith
1. neopkins
2. twice
3. bat
5. meerca
6. draik
11. arbiter
12. tash
5th day of Storing, Y10 November 5, 2008
Across Down
4. proto
5. tag
7. big
8. gathering
10. gothic
12. koi
13. diplomacy
1. capara
2. bot
3. hog
6. attack
7. bark
9. cola
11. hidden
14. pen
4th day of Storing, Y10 November 4, 2008
Across Down
5. garlic
6. uni
8. nuk
9. cutecity
12. ltd
14. ant
15. air
1. vinarok
2. roll
3. pinklet
4. achyhead
7. kau
10. itchy
11. ylana
13. tree
3rd day of Storing, Y10 November 3, 2008
Across Down
4. tigermouse
5. one
7. altador
11. neowarts
12. uni
13. geb
14. eel
1. kyrii
2. heartatoe
3. boy
5. orb
6. egg
8. index
9. kau
10. usul
2nd day of Storing, Y10 November 1- 2, 2008
Across Down
4. negg
7. mop
8. roo
10. tarla
11. bruce
13. shoyru
1. disco
2. ant
3. firejug
5. goo
6. waterdog
7. meri
9. orb
12. ruki
13. six
1st day of Storing, Y10 October 31 - November 1, 2008
Across Down
4. derby
5. art
6. dice
7. talinia
8. frank
10. roodoku
12. ruki
13. bruce
15. kau
1. shy
2. vegetarian
3. kyrii
9. kougra
11. orb
14. usul
31st day of Collecting, Y10 October 30-31, 2008
Across Down
3. slice
4. shy
8. six
9. air
10. hotelopera
11. rashpid
14. contest
1. yes
2. yackito
5. highland
6. lair
7. lutari
12. pants
13. hot
15. egg
30th day of Collecting, Y10 October 29-30, 2008
Across Down
4. grundo
6. set
7. bat
9. web
10. crisis
12. acres
13. kau
1. water
2. snot
3. bubblebees
5. orb
6. skarl
8. aisha
10. chia
11. space
29th day of Collecting, Y10 October 28-29, 2008
Across Down
4. one
5. lair
7. lunara
8. dreeana
9. geb
11. lyins
12. iron
13. shoppe
1. eel
2. ixi
3. convention
6. adee
8. donny
10. boy
11. lupes
28th day of Collecting, Y10 October 27-28, 2008
Across Down
1. dreeana
3. torshac
5. sentient
6. ice
7. kentari
10. ten
11. dachoo
1. deck
2. thorn
4. avatar
5. sketch
7. koi
8. aisha
9. kau
10. toy
7. across

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.