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Word Poker Solver
   or Solve with AJAX
Castle of Eliv Thade Solver
   or Solve with AJAX


Alphabetical :: All   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
By Length :: All  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eightteen  Twenty  
You can do both. For example all B letter words that are 15 letters long would be http://www.neocodex.us/forum/index.php?app=neologs&module=neodictionary&let=B&len=15

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About Neodictionary

This page contains all the words Neopets uses for any of their word based games. You can sort through them by length of word or first letter.

Castle of Eliv Thade
Found here on Neopets. You are given a scrambled 5-8 letters. Put them into the solver and hit solve. You are guarenteed to get the answer. Many times, multiple answers exist. Choose whichever one you want.

Word Poker
Found here on Neopets. You are given 8 letters. Try to make as many words with those you can. Or put them into the solver and this will find them all for you.

  • Three Letter Words You get 4 points for each word submitted.
  • Four Letter Words You get 6 points for each word submitted. On the 10th word you get a bonus of 30 points.
  • Five Letter Words You get 8 points for each word submitted. On the 10th word you get a bonus of 100 points.
  • Full House You get 50 points for submtting 15 words. You get 100 more points when you submit 25 words. 150 is the highest score you can get here.
  • Flush Words This is points for having words with the same letter. You get 10 times the number of your longest flush. For example, if you have submitted the words: abbey, abbot. You will get 20 points. But if you submitted abbey, abbot, bot, boy, and baby, then your longest flush is 3 words so you get 30 points.
  • Wild Words This is points for the length of each word. Three letters is worth 1 point, four letters are 2 points, five letters are 5 points, six letters are 7 points, seven letters are 10 points, and eight letters are 15 points.
  • Bonus WordsFor each word that is 7 or 8 letters long you get 50 points added to your score right away!