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Does anyone know this lying scroundel?

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#1 slugger

  • 20 posts

Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:32 PM

I recived an email from neopets today saying I had a support ticket which was being looked into. I went to find out what it was and it said this:

Hi there,

My child is always on the computer doing something with this account at this site. Please provide a pin number so I can control the time my child spend in this web site.
Please send it asap to my mail [email protected].

P.s don't send my child email about this. As a parent I like this to be between me and the staff here.

I'm am extreemly frustraighted. This is ridiculous! I have never heard of this person in my life.If any of you know this person, or if this person is affiliated with this site, I think they should be taken off or banned or thoroghly warned or something like that, because they are probably trying to do this to other people and not just me.
When I was on last night I was logged out and when I logged in again I had had my 100,000 nps which was in my normal neopoints not in the bank stolen from me. Does anyone know how I can find out where it was a brought some piece of cheap crap that was in my inventory instead so I can find the little bugger?

Sorry if I cheesing you all off by getting annoyed. I just needed to vent.

#2 Scot

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:34 PM


#3 Boggart

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:34 PM

Does anyone know how I can find out where it was a brought some piece of cheap crap that was in my inventory instead so I can find the little bugger?

Follow the butterflies, follow the butterflies weeee!

It's just a scam :/ If you're stupid enough to fall for it, then... well it doens't need to be said

And no, you cannot tell where you buy your previous items/trades from sadly.

#4 Barophobia

  • 612 posts

Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:40 PM

When I was on last night I was logged out and when I logged in again I had had my 100,000 nps which was in my normal neopoints not in the bank stolen from me.

I don't understand. What happened to you and your account O_o? I dont believe TNT gave your pass away.......

#5 Tsunade

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 10:22 PM

your email address isnt your [email protected] is it? Thats how a lot of scams are tried

#6 Casilla

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 10:49 PM

Just reply to the Support ticket saying it isn't you, and that also you have missing NP.  Or try creating a new Support ticket.

#7 slugger

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 11:05 PM

I have already canceled the support ticket and I have already sent another support ticket with the email attatched. And no my email is not my neopets username. But thanks for the suggestions. :)

And, Boggart, I'm not stupid enough to fall for some scam. I hope you're not implying that I'm "stupid" because I didn't fall for a scam. I have only ever used a few programs ever (abrosia, and like one program from here) so I don't know where it has come from but I don't give my password out willy nilly. Nevermind though, thanks for the sympathy.

#8 fxckyouguys

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 12:10 AM

Damn, that's messed up. What a weirdo o__O

#9 Acheron

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 12:14 AM

Oh boy, if I'm reading everything correctly, TNT gave out your pass to someone pretending to be your parents?

Jesus, how low can one stoop man...

#10 Bryan

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 12:32 AM

I have already canceled the support ticket and I have already sent another support ticket with the email attatched. And no my email is not my neopets username. But thanks for the suggestions. :)

And, Boggart, I'm not stupid enough to fall for some scam. I hope you're not implying that I'm "stupid" because I didn't fall for a scam. I have only ever used a few programs ever (abrosia, and like one program from here) so I don't know where it has come from but I don't give my password out willy nilly. Nevermind though, thanks for the sympathy.

You need to realize that Neopets is catered towards children. It's better to ask general questions first because 9/10 times, it's because the user has a lack of internet know-how that they get scammed. Don't get flustered because we're asking these questions, there's a reason we ask them.

Like Casilla said, cancel the support ticket and send them a new one. I'm guessing your password isn't secure as it's very apparent someone has been on your account. What you can do? Scan your computer for malicious programs, change all your passwords/pin and submit a ticket.

Finally, you don't need to download something to get your password stolen.

#11 slugger

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 05:22 AM

Seriously, mate I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spins flustered or agro or anything. I really apreciate that people are concerned enough to post suggestions. I was just thoroughly upset earlier and everything came out wrong. Please dont take me the wrong way. Surely you all understand how upset I was earlier. :(

Thanks for your suggestions. I have already done these things, and I admire your tenacity to stick up for others. I wish there were more people like you around (all of you nice people) to encourage people who need it and probably help to outnumber the scoundrels.

#12 Georgina

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 06:30 AM


Ive done an advanced email trace on this adress and its come up with a user called

farshad morts
Looks like an Asian student. 16+

I can try and get a name and adress for you if you like.

Side note: it probably means your info has been on a hash list of some sort. This is usualy because you have registered to neopets related websites with a username and email ascociaed with your neopets account.

if you have the same email, that you use for most things, then this most likley is the case.

You should allways have a completley unique password for both your email, and your neopets account, then you can be reasonably secure.

OK update:

i found the user, and how he cracked your account.

It wasnt a hashlist.

He was using an account cracker program to guess very common passwords i.e. password1 etc etc

Your pass was to easy to guess! just a good job you only lost 100k eh? :)

User found on another cheating forum btw. Pm me if you want alink.

And sorry man :(

#13 Georgina

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 06:43 AM

wtf is an Advanced Email Trace G?

I know how to trace emails, it's not that difficult, however you generally NEED an email from the address in order to do an 'advanced' trace...

Where the hell did this come from? I can find nothing with the name Farshard Morts... in fact, the name seems almost entirely made up.

The email does link to a name though. It's the person that Scot linked to: David Manid.

Not to say his facebook name would be definitely correct (it's quite easy to make a fake Facebook account), the name seems more likely than Farshad Morts.

will pm you dude, dont wanna post on boards sorry.

I got no idea if the names real, its just the info linked to the email.

#14 Dayzee

  • 483 posts

Posted 04 January 2011 - 06:55 AM

This is crazy, and pisses me off. I know it happens, but people hacking other people's accts is such a bottom-dweller trait. There are so many other ways of getting what you want on neopets.

#15 Acheron

  • 586 posts

Posted 04 January 2011 - 06:59 AM

Whoa that is seriously cool spy work there Georgina!

+ rep for that. :thumbsup:

And to slugger, oh well, thank goodness it was only a 100k. At least everything was pinned. :funone:

#16 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:03 AM

I'd send an email to Neopets clarifying what happened and make sure they know that that person is not connected to you.

#17 slugger

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 04:23 PM

Thankyou very much Georgina and Waser Lave (cool name by the way), your kindness is very admirable. I have sent an email to neopets saying that they were trying to steal my stuff, I hope it's enough for them to crack down on them.
Also, I've changed my password to something much harder to guess. I've definatley learned my lesson about having an easy password, cause it was completley crap easy to guess. I know it was. Woops :(.

Thank-you everyone for your sympathy, and support. It means much to me that you're all so understanding. :)

#18 phr0sty

  • 105 posts

Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:46 PM

slugger, i would recommend changing the exact text of the ticket. i have a sneaking suspicion that TNT lurks these boards... wouldn't want to get iced besides losing those 100k, would you?
good luck getting it back

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