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Sex Offender Allowed To Watch Unlimited CP

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#51 Jake

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Posted 15 July 2011 - 09:31 AM

It reminds me of when people went apeshit when Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder.

Several days ago...

#52 Eyams

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Posted 16 July 2011 - 03:14 PM

uh... 0.o wdf

#53 crtitcmeerca

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 08:52 AM

This is actually kinda freaky... I especially agree with that last statement. What a horrible loophole, and i dont think the papers should have published this. I mean, imagine the victims or their families reading that the accused person has this kind of unlimited access to pornographic images of their children in a 'seperate room' and there's nothing to be done. Freaky. Hope they'll fix that law...

#54 jcrdude

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 02:55 PM

What a horrible loophole, and i dont think the papers should have published this.

Hope they'll fix that law...

Who would clamor for this to be fixed if it weren't publicized?

#55 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 03:02 PM

Who would clamor for this to be fixed if it weren't publicized?

That's hardly a fair point. Nothing would be widely recognised if it weren't for media attention.

Perhaps a more appropriate phrasing might be "Who would clamour for this to be fixed if it weren't sensationalised?"

#56 Guest_prizeraker_*


Posted 19 July 2011 - 10:31 AM


well im not that surprised actually, theres so much similarly fucked up shit going on 'legally' in this world

#57 sircomflix

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 03:36 PM

That's hardly a fair point. Nothing would be widely recognised if it weren't for media attention.

Perhaps a more appropriate phrasing might be "Who would clamour for this to be fixed if it weren't sensationalised?"

You beat me to it again.

It's easy to just read the article, get angry for 5 seconds and blame the judicial system, but there's really nothing horribly wrong. He's been caught and has absolutely no way out so he decides to be a dick and waste time, money, and live with his CP a little bit longer. To not grant him the ability to act as his own attorney or give him a fair trial would be an atrocity. Making exceptions or knee-jerk law changes due to certain scenarios would be even worse.

#58 polyneux

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 09:33 AM

The videos are most of the evidence, you think the prosecuting attourney is just going to flash a VHS and say "CP ON IT, I SWAR"? No they're going to play parts of it in the court, for everyone to see, not just him. Are you as a judge going to look away when the video is played because it is "So disgusting" to think about only to find out later it was The Lion King and not CP at all? Are you going to let the guy trying to put the criminal away not see them? If he gets charged a separate count for every of the 100 videos then every single video will have to be reviewed, someone will have to do it. What's to stop me from throwing another tape in the box? What's to stop me from throwing 100 tapes into the box? Nope, it's all CP, close your eyes!

A strange quirk in the law is allowing an *accused* child rapist to watch child pornography inside the Pierce County Jail.

Marc Gilbert is *accused* of sexually assaulting young boys and videotaping the abuse.

It's his trial, he will be fined the court fees however long he drags it out, which he will have to pay eventually cause I doubt he will get life. I know of someone convicted of 10 counts in my city, went straight through with admitting guilt, no arguments or anything, and owed 8 grand in court fees, as well as jail time.

All you know is that someone *accused* of having child pornography has access to tapes that are *alleged* to have child pornography on them. The newspeople who wrote the article, you, nor anyone else hardly knows the exact content of the tapes from beginning to end. This court system works on the statement "Innocent until proven guilty". A 150 word article with interviews from people who are only against the *accused* can hardly contain representative statements as to what's actually going on. Sure you will instantly think bad of someone for being *accused* of child molestation, but rarely do we know, think, or care about how many false accusations there are, or people getting put away for the silliest reasons.

It happens more than you think.

This came up on a discussion of the Casey Anthony Trial but;
You should watch "12 Angry Men".

Let him watch the videos, he will go to jail and pay fines, but only if he is proven guilty.

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