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Advert Attack game score being reviewed help? Do I move all my items and np?

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#1 Bazzel

  • 249 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 10:39 AM

Heres my setting.

GameID: 204 Score: 938-1250 Time: 300-500

Ok so the score was sent. Then Im reviewed.

I never played the game personally this was my first score send.
However i played after the review and got score of 500.

I have moved my krawk and plush kacheek just incase, Should I move all my NP and Items? Do I leave it and wait? help.

Is there anything I can do right now to prevent from being frozen?

#2 moopie

  • 47 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 11:34 AM

I'm sorry but anything over 900 is extremely hard to achieve (as in having both AoB codes on and spam clicking on Go) and above 1000 I'm pretty sure people will call you out on it, even if TNT doesn't catch on. :/ In the future, it's best to play games first to get a sense of what scores and times are possible instead of just sending something blindly.

#3 Bazzel

  • 249 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 02:59 PM

So am i best moving everything to side acc's with different emails for now?

#4 Abunaidesuka

  • 85 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 03:03 PM

So am i best moving everything to side acc's with different emails for now?

If they're going to freeze you, they will follow the trails you leave.

#5 Bazzel

  • 249 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 03:52 PM

Oh my, What about i buy an expensive avatar item and "lend" it to my side with no collateral and then send a ticket saying they didnt return the item?

Move everything then self freeze?


#6 RubberBand

  • 92 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 04:19 PM

IMO moving everything and/or self freezing will just start alarm bells ringing and you'll be chain iced for sure. Any account you send items to will get frozen as well, even if you use different emails.

Depending on the score you submitted, there's probably nothing you can do but wait it out.

#7 Rikku

  • 2109 posts

Posted 12 September 2011 - 06:30 PM

Yeah... my score's been under review for over 2 weeks now, and still nothing.. let me know how long it takes them to get back to you.

#8 Kyouma

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 06:39 PM

If its just one score, i don't get why you would need to put either a score range or a time range.
Its a one time thing, just put a single score and time that sounds like it could be safe.

#9 RWS

  • 596 posts

Posted 13 September 2011 - 05:07 AM

As long as your times are plausible and you didn't do something like send an impossible score, you should be fine. i've had my score reviewed for 2 games using SS (both of them were trophy hi-scores) and passed both times.

#10 neofreeze

  • 31 posts

Posted 13 September 2011 - 06:22 AM

It took me from 1 hour - 1 day to get my score reviewed. Than again, i wasn't using SS at impossible score..

#11 Hydraulic

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Posted 21 September 2011 - 08:56 PM

I SSed a score for a particular game, going for a trophy, and it was reviewed. Its been 2 days now and still no mail from TNT. XDD
Just dont panic. If you dont do anything illegit for at least a week, that would not turn their alarms on you.

Try playing legit for awhile. :p

#12 Ladida

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Posted 21 September 2011 - 11:31 PM

I sent in an obtainable high score with a ridiculously low time. Well, I sent two scores on the same game (Well I used AoB.. I'd never make such a ridiculous mistake in SS). One was low enough to sneak past, but the higher one got reviewed. I was on tenterhooks all week. What I found a few days later was, my lower score that had snuck past had been removed from the high scores table, so I knew that they had to have seen the higher score. And I hadn't been frozen. I've pretty much already gotten all the game avatars, so I'm playing legit on that account now. I was freaking out, but I didn't suddenly move all my items to another account. I let my fancy pets stay put so as not to make it look like I was saving my ass. I knew it'd just turn into a chain freeze anyway. I used up the NP I had on the account buying stuff I always wanted :p I'm guessing my account has been flagged for suspicious behaviour, so I'm not going to do anything now to draw even more attention to it. Of course there's the possibility that they'll ban me in one of their mass freezings, but at the moment, it looks like I'm ok. Hopefully, it'll work out the same for you.

#13 jargon

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Posted 22 September 2011 - 07:58 PM

Hmm it's odd but on a side, I also got reviewed for Advert Attack (though the score wasn't even worthy of a third place trophy).
On my main however, when I get a high score the review only takes tops 2-3 days before they accept.

My suggestion is to just appear as normal as possible and don't send anymore high scores (though I guess to seem more legit, play the game a few times with pretty good scores as well as a bunch of other games). I've never actually had a review accepted on a side account that I used to AoB with so I won't be much of a help, except I have gotten frozen before on a side when I was testing how many trophies I could get on it.

#14 jargon

  • 53 posts

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Posted 22 September 2011 - 07:58 PM

Hmm it's odd but on a side, I also got reviewed for Advert Attack (though the score wasn't even worthy of a third place trophy).
On my main however, when I get a high score the review only takes tops 2-3 days before they accept.

My suggestion is to just appear as normal as possible and don't send anymore high scores (though I guess to seem more legit, play the game a few times with pretty good scores as well as a bunch of other games). I've never actually had a review accepted on a side account that I used to AoB with so I won't be much of a help, except I have gotten frozen before on a side when I was testing how many trophies I could get on it.

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