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Do you hate sharing food?

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#1 Inver

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 09:33 PM

Recently (just now, in fact) I've come to the conclusion that I'm terrible at sharing. Normally I'll go out of my way to cough on it or cover it with sriracha until other people can't stand it. But the worst occasions is when it happens with pretzels. I love pretzels and I normally just take a small portion in a bowl and snack on them while I'm at my computer. However, every single g-dd-mn time I do, someone in the household comes by and dips their dirty fingers into my bowl. Normally extracting the few pretzels I left for last that are just glistening with salt clusters and purpose. So I naturally begin yelling at them to get their own ration - that there's a bag in the kitchen. But I only want a FEW, Inver. Don't be greedy. But I'm not greedy. I feel like I just have a method and they're disrupting it with their terrible etiquette and lack of boundary awareness.

I'm not crazy.
However I have been googling the crap out of what my 'sharing' issues can be attributed to.

Also get your own glass of milk. I don't care if you just want a sip. It's in the kitchen.

#2 Keil

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 09:55 PM

I'm really sorry, my mind just went blank after reading sriracha.

I don't think it's a problem with sharing, it may be just that you're a germaphobe with the food you eat. I would feel the same way when I think of people's dirty hands getting in contact with my sour neon worms, but my paranoia isn't that strong enough for me to discard "infected" foodstuffs. But then again, I'm a slob and would eat month old gobstoppers found under my desk.

#3 luvsmyncis

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:04 PM

I know the feeling. I live (and work!) with people who are constantly sticking their hands in my snacks. I agree, it's not the sharing part that bothers me. The part that bothers me is that I know my brother just had his finger in his nose, and now that hand is fumbling around for some Cheetos.

I usually just let whoever eat the rest of whatever it was.

... Might be why I'm so skinny.

But Keil is right. You are a germaphobe. When you're at a resturaunt, do you notice when the waiter/waitress has their finger on the drinking part of your glass? Do you wipe off your silverware before using it? Does it bother you if someone is messing with their hair in the general vicinity of where you're eating?

#4 ShinaDutchAD

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:05 PM

I don't mind sharing food if I have an obscene amount of it.

However, if I don't have a lot left, and there's some more of the same stuff in the house, GET YOUR OWN PLZ!

Also, if you're sick, keep your grubby hands away from it! When I get sick...it hits me HARD....so I try to avoid sick peoples as much as I can x_x

#5 Trixie

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:22 PM

I don't mind if I'm only sharing like, a quarter of whatever I'm eating, but what bothers me is that they come back for more and it feels like they're trying to make me feel guilty if I don't give them food and they're giving me puppy dog eyes and all that. I hate it, and sometimes, I feel like slapping them across the face. Whenever I tell people I don't want to share my food, they call me fat or stupid or they don't like me any more (like really? It's food. LOL) I don't really mind those insults, but the fact that they're only saying it because I won't give them part of my LUNCH (which I need to survive, thank you very much)? That's just stupid.

#6 Inver

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:20 PM

It's not even so much the germs. It's the act of it. Maybe when it comes to my male roommate who can't clean his finger nails. Or my mother who licks the spoon while I'm cooking. Okay. Maybe it is the germs.

I'm really sorry, my mind just went blank after reading sriracha.

I know the feeling. I want to personify that sauce and make sweet sweet love to it, its that good. Talking about it right now makes me want to make some korean ramen with it and just go to freaking town. Too bad it's past midnight here.

Edited by Inver, 13 December 2011 - 11:22 PM.

#7 Moss

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:22 PM

Yes, and then before I use any sort of silverware/plate item, I dip it into a bleach solution....
It's the germs that bother me, funny how I'm a Microbio major.

#8 Inver

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:29 PM

I know the feeling. I live (and work!) with people who are constantly sticking their hands in my snacks. I agree, it's not the sharing part that bothers me. The part that bothers me is that I know my brother just had his finger in his nose, and now that hand is fumbling around for some Cheetos.

I usually just let whoever eat the rest of whatever it was.

... Might be why I'm so skinny.

But Keil is right. You are a germaphobe. When you're at a resturaunt, do you notice when the waiter/waitress has their finger on the drinking part of your glass? Do you wipe off your silverware before using it? Does it bother you if someone is messing with their hair in the general vicinity of where you're eating?

To answer your questions:
1. Not particularly.
2. Only if the spots on it are taking away from the appeal of fine dining and I'm feeling particularly snobbish for etiquette.
3. Not really. But I can't watch my best friend eat. Ever. His proportions are engorged and he smothers everything with cheese. It's disgusting.

#9 JPhillips

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 02:36 AM

If I purchased the food myself, I usually have some qualm about sharing. If theres an insane amount of it (a whole new bag of chips) I dont mind someone taking some, but if it's like a sandwich that I bought I don't really want people taking half of it just because they saw it.

#10 Sida

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 02:43 AM

I once saw a filthy Jamaican guy walk up to the salad bar in Pizza Hut and drive his hand into the sweetcorn, rummaging around in it to get as many as possible and then putting them in his bowl.

If I bought something with the intention of sharing, fine. If I arrive somewhere and I have food (a bag of chips or whatever) and friends want some, fine. If they were with me, chose not to order anything because they "aren't hungry" then try to dig into mine just after I bought them...gtfo. Don't get me started on girlfriends who "don't want dessert" -.-

#11 James

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 05:27 AM

I used to be a somewhat big germaphobe (not letting anyone touch any food of mine). But maybe two years ago I was amazed at how people didn't care so I worked on it and I allow people I know to share stuff with me. lol

I do agree with the "I bought it, none for you" kind of thing. I wouldn't want someone else to take my food if I bought it and I know you wouldn't, so I don't.

The same goes for gum, one piece and you're everyone's friend. :p

#12 Nymh

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 05:30 AM

I am so not a germophobe. I drink after people and share my silverware. I also treat HIV/AIDS/Hep patients like any other person and believe in Standard Precautions, not Standard Paranoia.

I don't really have issues with sharing, but I do expect people to ask first. If they don't ask, they get the Evil Look of Killing until they cower and ask nicely. Unless it's my Dad. He will take the entire plate that you've just made for yourself and say, "Thanks!" But he's the kind of guy that it's funny and doesn't piss you off. You just go, "Oh, Dad," and make yourself a new plate.

Edited by nymh, 14 December 2011 - 05:31 AM.

#13 Boggart

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:06 AM

Posted Image
and i agree

#14 onlyme

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:11 AM

only if it's really good. usually i don't mind sharing my carrots.

#15 Tsvete

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:29 AM

I share with pleasure, but I hate to eat from someone else's food and I rarely do it, even if tis only to try it.

And I never eat dessert ;)

#16 luvsmyncis

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:38 AM

I once saw a filthy Jamaican guy walk up to the salad bar in Pizza Hut and drive his hand into the sweetcorn, rummaging around in it to get as many as possible and then putting them in his bowl.

Oh, so he was filthy because he's Jamaican??
Posted Image

#17 Sida

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:55 AM

Oh, so he was filthy because he's Jamaican??
Posted Image


#18 Kauvara

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:52 AM

Hmmmm, this is a tricky one. I don't like sharing food for the most part. I don't want to call myself a germophobe, because I'll share stuff with my boyfriend (we're going to end up sharing germs one way or another...xD) but when it comes to friends/random people, hell no.

#19 Turnip

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:54 AM

I once saw a filthy Jamaican guy walk up to the salad bar in Pizza Hut and drive his hand into the sweetcorn, rummaging around in it to get as many as possible and then putting them in his bowl.

Holy wow that is gross >:c Thank god I never go to buffet-style places, hahah.

I'm alright with sharing food as long as the person who wants some asks first~ It's pretty rude to just stick your hand in someone's food/snacks and steal their goods without any sort of warning...

#20 Rainie

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 11:11 AM

I'm alright with sharing food as long as the person who wants some asks first~ It's pretty rude to just stick your hand in someone's food/snacks and steal their goods without any sort of warning...

^ Exactly !
I get pretty grumpy when people just steals my food without asking cX~~

#21 Musician

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 11:14 AM

I hate sharing food in general, especially food that I love. However, if it's food that I don't particularly like, then I'm fine with sharing it. ^_^

People who steal MY food are just asking to be hit.

Edited by Musician, 14 December 2011 - 11:15 AM.

#22 Boggart

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 11:19 AM

I hate when I'm making food, such as some dumplings or w/e, and I ask people if they want any. So I make enough for myself, then they change their mind and want some. Now I don't have enough for myself but don't want to make another half-batch 'cause that just wastes time...

Otherwise I usually don't mind.

Or in general if I don't have enough food for myself since I Eat a lot and people want like... half.

#23 Inver

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 02:02 PM

Hey - let's share a dessert. I don't want a whole one.

I guess I can definitely see a difference between restaurant food and snack food. Pretty much it breaks down like this, for me:

In Restaurants
I don't mind sharing, unless it's fries, due to the fact that they have to touch them with their hands. However if I ordered something orgasmic I will normally force it down my lunch-partner's throat in the aggressive attempt for them to acknowledge me as their superior when it comes to ordering food. (I also have a problem with order for people because most people have horrible decision-making habits)

For Snack Food
GTFO. It's in the kitchen. Get some yourself.

Edited by Inver, 14 December 2011 - 02:11 PM.

#24 Jakerz

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 04:20 PM

I feel like I just have a method and they're disrupting it with their terrible etiquette and lack of boundary awareness.

Sounds like OCD :p

I normally don't have a problem with sharing, though sometimes I find myself with not enough food left in the bowl to fill my needs, so when someone takes some, naturally I kill them <_<

#25 Inver

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 05:37 PM

Sounds like OCD :p

I normally don't have a problem with sharing, though sometimes I find myself with not enough food left in the bowl to fill my needs, so when someone takes some, naturally I kill them <_<

We all have a touch of OCD in one aspect or another.

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