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Abrosia people per shop modification

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#1 elkid27

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:23 PM

Now that more and more people are using Abrosia the approximation of how many people in each shop was very useful but now all shops seem to be in the 14+ category. That being said could the ranking system then be modified to a larger scale to accommodate the increase in users so that 14+ is not the max category anymore? Like a 0-8 9-15 16-30 31+? Or if you are able to look at the stats on users and make some category that would give us a little better idea. As it stands 14+ could mean fifteen people in a shop I am willing to go to or 40 people in a shop. 

#2 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:25 PM

We had to actually disable that function because it was causing performance issues with other parts of Abrosia.

#3 shrouded

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 04:55 PM

Now that more and more people are using Abrosia the approximation of how many people in each shop was very useful but now all shops seem to be in the 14+ category. That being said could the ranking system then be modified to a larger scale to accommodate the increase in users so that 14+ is not the max category anymore? Like a 0-8 9-15 16-30 31+? Or if you are able to look at the stats on users and make some category that would give us a little better idea. As it stands 14+ could mean fifteen people in a shop I am willing to go to or 40 people in a shop. 



You don't want to know how many people are using Abrosia. It's a lot at all times.

#4 elkid27

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 05:40 PM

Right but it was originally implemented as a way to help you decide what shop you were going to shop in if you so chose. I realize its a large number but 20 is different than 40 or 100 so people who have no problem using different shops could maximize their profit.

#5 redlion

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Posted 20 February 2013 - 05:47 PM

Right but it was originally implemented as a way to help you decide what shop you were going to shop in if you so chose. I realize its a large number but 20 is different than 40 or 100 so people who have no problem using different shops could maximize their profit.

You're not hearing him.

That function of Abrosia hasn't worked almost since it's inception. It's unlikely that you've ever seen it functioning. Ever notice that every shop has the same color? Even the tiki tack shack? Yeah... that's because the color (and the function that generates the color) is not enabled.

Instead of asking for modifications to that function, you should ask for the function to be reinstated in the first place :p But as Waser already said, this caused Abrosia to throw errors elsewhere.

#6 elkid27

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:35 AM

No I understand that, I was the one that originally suggested this feature and while it was working it was nice. So yes it is null and void as the feature is not currently working, but if it were ever re-implemented I think the scale would need to be modified.

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