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Hola! New User With Some Questions Here :)

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#1 AsterEleven

  • 6 posts

Posted 24 March 2013 - 02:58 PM

For the lengthy description, see Figure 1. For the short and sweet, see Figure 2.


1. First off, hello all! I'm an on-again, off-again neopets player that recently became addicted again (oye..). I started playing some 12 years ago and up until this point it has been casual play (only made about 2 mil during all that time). Not having enough money to afford what I want has prompted me to check into some 'alternative play styles' ;) So I've been doing my research on the forums, as any good poster should, and have come across some great posts regarding setting up proxies, which shops to RS and which to avoid according to freeze-rate, as well as ways to transfer NP or items to your main without getting frozen. Now I have a few questions that I haven't been able to directly address.. If you care to make it blunt then please do :) and if not, I would greatly appreciate it if you could direct me to a post that would save your fingers some exercise! Now for the questions..


2. - I know that using the default settings and following the rules (not accessing Neopets while using the program, etc) will greatly decrease your chance of being frozen, but would you recommend that I use my main to AB? The problem is that I've already accessed all four of my accounts from the same IP (all are 10 years old+) and I don't want to draw attention by suddenly changing IP addresses. My main concern is being chain frozen and losing all four accounts.. I've read that if you're responsible while AB'ing then it's okay to use your main.


- If you don't recommend using your main, and I've already used the same IP for my four accounts, then should I create a new account and only access it through a new IP? I assume that there would be no way to trace this account back to my others should I set up the proxy correctly and use a different email/b-day..


- Is there  a list of shops based on freeze-rate? I know which shops to avoid, but not which shops are best, besides the basic ones. I have already seen this thread (http://www.neocodex....tobuying-shops/) but it's incomplete and I couldn't seem to find one listing all shops (if one even exists). I've also seen this outside thread (http://www.neopets.com/~advantina) that lists which items are best to buy at each shop, but it has nothing to do with which shops are risky as far as freezing.


So these are my main concerns at the moment. I have yet to actually try Abrosia, although it's been installed for about a week now. If anyone could answer these questions or direct to where they may already be answered then I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all in advance :)

#2 Kaitan

  • 82 posts

Posted 24 March 2013 - 08:32 PM

My best advice to you is get a new 3+ month account or an AAA shell for risky buying, keep it on a proxy at all times. I have been using the safe and sane method on my favorite main for years actually and I have not been warned. However I do have a side that I keep on a proxy and use in Magic, Stamps, and big items from the AAA then I use it to make very infrequent transfers to my main. Experiment with some cheap shells and see what works best for you.

#3 AsterEleven

  • 6 posts

Posted 24 March 2013 - 09:50 PM

My best advice to you is get a new 3+ month account or an AAA shell for risky buying, keep it on a proxy at all times. I have been using the safe and sane method on my favorite main for years actually and I have not been warned. However I do have a side that I keep on a proxy and use in Magic, Stamps, and big items from the AAA then I use it to make very infrequent transfers to my main. Experiment with some cheap shells and see what works best for you.


Thanks very much :) I guess I'll start aging myself a new account and play it safe that way.

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