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Not Buying Anything

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#1 Fey

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 04:26 PM

I'm using the free version right now, partially because I wanted to trial run and see if I thought it would be worth the upgrade.

I've run it twice now - both for 3 hour stretches... I know it's working because it logged an event from auto refreshing, and it took my money from my shop till.  But it hasn't bought even 1 thing.  Is that normal?

#2 KaibaSama

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 04:31 PM

Try lowering your profit margin. I keep mine around 2-3k (default is 5k). The shop may be restocking but Abrosia hasn't bought anything because nothing meets the profit margin. Also, make sure the shop isn't full (24 items). A full shop will not restock.
If you want to choose your own shops, which may help if Abrosia keeps going into full shops: you can use lists to choose your shops, as you aren't an advanced member. We've got tons lying around the forum.

Edited by Satsuki, 26 August 2013 - 04:34 PM.

#3 Fey

  • 63 posts

Posted 26 August 2013 - 04:46 PM

Ok, my margin is and was set at 3 k both times.

Can you suggest a good and mostly safe (I'm not sure completely safe exists) safe list to use?

Also how much money should I have available for the program to buy items with when I have it set at 3k? Or 2k?  If you think it's best I can always bump it down from the 3k.

I was afraid if I bumped it down to low I would end up buying too much too fast and get busted.


Try lowering your profit margin. I keep mine around 2-3k (default is 5k). The shop may be restocking but Abrosia hasn't bought anything because nothing meets the profit margin. Also, make sure the shop isn't full (24 items). A full shop will not restock.
If you want to choose your own shops, which may help if Abrosia keeps going into full shops: you can use lists to choose your shops, as you aren't an advanced member. We've got tons lying around the forum.

#4 KaibaSama

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:03 PM

The profit margin has nothing to do with your buy times. Buy time is calculated though the other settings (OCR and such, but excluding Pre-haggle), however you can't change those settings as you don't have advanced. Besides, there's the 5 second rule which only allows you to buy an item every 5 seconds, so you're not buying item after item within around 1-2seconds. Also, other people are also restocking, so you will miss items and thus causing you to not buy a bunch of items in a short time span.

These lists are updated and would be great to use: http://www.neocodex....-to-date-lists/
List using isn't really risky, you're just buying items on the list. Legit restockes learn what items are good and when they see them they'll go for those certain items, a list basically does that. It sees an item that's on it and Abrosia will buy it every time it sees that item.
It's not like a score sender list where you have to be extremely careful about scores and times for the games,

For amount of money on hand, it depends were you're running a list from. For a clothing store list you'd need more on hand because the items can get expensive. I'd generally keep around 30-50k on hand. I find 20k to be a bit low, as many items cost 1k+ (meaning you could only buy 20 items because you only had 20k to spend).

Edited by Satsuki, 26 August 2013 - 05:09 PM.

#5 Fey

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:08 PM

Thank you so much.

I'll go put those lists in and pull down to 2k.

Do you have any advice on how often to run and for how long?  When does it start to get stupid dangerous and where is the point where you're  running it for such a short time that it's a waste of time?

#6 KaibaSama

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:12 PM

You can tweak your settings to see what works best for you, it may be 3 hours it could be 2. It's different for everyone depending on things like internet speed (which affects how fast you buy items, which can cause more misses), what time you AB and if the shop is restocking.


Here's what I did:


I only ran mine for 2 hours without a break. 
When I used 2 hours, I ran Abrosia for about 5-6 hours a day total. (Usually with an hour break in between the next time. So around 3 sessions of 2 hours. I used the scheduler for this). I still managed to get a good amount of items with two hours, and a total run time of 5-6 hours a day. I'd say only running for an hour would be a waste.

Take breaks in between, done by stopping and starting Abrosia. No one sits for a long period of time without needing food, water, or the bathroom. ( usually I waited for around 5-7 minutes after stopping to restart it again.) 

Never leave it overnight, no one sits for 24 hours, 12 hours, or 7 hours straight restocking. Abrosia has a scheduler in it, so you can set times for when you want it to start and stop, which minimizes the risk of accidentally leaving it on for too long.

I'd recommend not going over 7 hours a day. People do get bored if they're restocking for long periods of time.

Edited by Satsuki, 26 August 2013 - 05:22 PM.

#7 Fey

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:22 PM

You're awesome, you know that right?

Again thank you for being patient with my questions, and for all the advice.

I can't picture me ever going for 6 or 7 hours a day... I like to play the game too much. =)
I don't like having to stay logged out to AB so I only do it when I'm away from my computer. (But no, never at night... and I will start taking advantage of the scheduler).

#8 KaibaSama

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:23 PM

Glad to help. :) Enjoy your ABing adventures!

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