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#1 Dazz

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Posted 16 April 2016 - 08:21 PM

Do any of you have them? Shit to do before you die if you didn't know. D'you want to travel to see the pyramids in Egypt? Go scuba diving with the dolphins, or even learn a foreign language. Let me know what what you're dreams are!


My personal list so far would be:


- Visit/tour around Murica/Canadia land, preferably on the motorbike but a holiday would also be fucking great, possibly even go live there. I've never been out of England my entire life so seeing different cultures is top on my priority list for sure!


-Visit/live in Italy. It's been a dream of mine to go to Italy some day. I just love everything about the place, the sights, the people, the culture...etc. Obviously I'd have to learn the language but I really don't mind that. Ciao!


-Have/raise a family of my own. This is pretty self explanatory, most people would be terrified of the idea of little mini-me's running around but that's a common dream for most people right? :p


-Give back to the community that helped raise me. I'm already kinda doing this, I've volunteered to help out at a local youth club to help set these kids on the right path, and to be a young'un that they can relate to/come to for advice. I've been in their shoes, done that, got the t-shirt right :p Plus it's a lot easier for them to open up to a 20-something year old than some 40-something year olds, I fully understand what they're going through in this day and age and love to help out  ^_^ . I bring my laptop which is fully equipped with FL Studio, with every plug-in you could ever want, and photoshop to get them being creative with music or photography instead of being out on the streets on a Saturday night up to no good. I even bring my DJ Controller for them to learn mixing and provide their own music for the night, so even if it's only keeping a few kids from being out on the streets at night and encouraging them to get creative instead I'm more than happy with that :D


-Go to a big festival. My friends always go to Download festival every year and brag about it, but a friend is buying us EDC tickets very soon so that'll be my first festival and I'm fucking pumped. Avicii, Eric Prydz, Martin Garrix, Martin Solveig, Robin Schulz, Rusko, Noisia, Pendulum, Duke Dumont, Galantis, c'mon. Look at that line up :o Sooooo hyped for that!


-Learn an instrument. I'm kinda working on this, but I'd love to fully learn to play guitar and piano. Guitar so I can rock out, and piano for more softer emotional shit. There's a lot of classical piano pieces that give me music goosebumps so to play those would be amazing.


-Go urban exploring. Basically exploring abandoned places, old war bunkers would be the cherry on top. This is like one of my weird interests, especially after seeing shit about Chernobyl, I started browsing around and came across a lot of eerie photography from abandoned places that as creepy as they were, I couldn't look away from.


-Throw an epic 80's glam rock themed party. I think I could absolutely rock this style and many people agree :p , I already kinda have the hair for it. Just look at this shit, why wouldn't you want to be like this for one night?



-Go see the Northern Lights, it's fucking beautiful and only 2 and a half hours away so it's not too far  ^_^


So tell me, what's on your lists for shit you'd love to do before you die? Dreams, ambitions, or just things you'd think would be funny to do at least once, just to say you did. Who knows, maybe I'll get some inspiration for new things to add to my list  ^_^

#2 Padme

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 12:47 AM

Not even two months ago:


http://www.neocodex....l=+bucket +list

#3 Ali

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 03:28 AM

Not even two months ago:

http://www.neocodex....l=+bucket +list

Buuut let's excuse it because this place is practically comatose and could use all the help it could get.


- Travel. The Boy and I are pretty good at just going to places we want to go but there's a few places still on the list. Japan. Cambodia (looking like our big trip for next year). New Zealand. The only way we're getting me to NZ is with a substantial stopover somewhere though, I can't hack the flight. The suggestion is always that we go to the Singapore grand prix en route...The other problem is that means I'd want 3 weeks and us both getting 3 weeks off work seems unlikely.

- Move out of London. Well, in 2 minds about this... I'll never leave England again I don't think, I've done my living abroad. I love London so much but I don't think it's forever and I have vague aspirations to be in the country. But then I miss London if I'm not there.

- Run all the marathon world majors. I've done 3/6. The qualifying time for Boston gets lower and lower every year and the last couple of years, you've had to beat the qualifying time by a couple of minutes because so many people make it now. I just about scrape into London on good for age criteria, but I'd need to knock at least 10 mins off my PB to make Boston, and there's no back up option of a ballot etc. So probably I'll end up on 5/6, my injury record in the past year or so means I suspect my best running may be behind me. But saying that...

- Run an ultra marathon. Even if it's only ever something British, rather than something epic like Mont Blanc. In a dream world, the Coastal Challenge, in Costa Rica.

- Children. Very unlikely although getting slightly more possible, yay for the wonder of modern medical science. Less about wanting a mini-me, more about wanting a mini-Boy. We're selfish and want to drop everything to go on holiday whenever we like though so children don't fit into our lifestyle brilliantly.

- Get out of public relations. Although to do what, I do not know. It's annoying when you achieve your life dream, hate it, and so end up in an alternative career that's just a bit blah. I suspect that a lot of people's lives are a bit blah and I should just accept that. I blame the Boy who actually really loves his job, it corrupts my view of how things should be.

- Stay married. Our friends are now starting to get married, and it's really striking how different people are from when we got married. We got married so young, and I don't think we've necessarily changed together. Plus the thing where he moved country. But if you get through some of the things we have, then there's not much left to conquer. He's a thorn in my side for always.

#4 Coops

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 11:11 AM

Not even two months ago:


http://www.neocodex....l=+bucket +list

Yes. But I agree with @Ali. Excuse it cuz it's quiet and not a lot of people responded to that first one anyways.




- Stay married. Our friends are now starting to get married, and it's really striking how different people are from when we got married. We got married so young, and I don't think we've necessarily changed together. Plus the thing where he moved country. But if you get through some of the things we have, then there's not much left to conquer. He's a thorn in my side for always.

I can relate to this so much. I got married at 18 (people thought I was pregnant, people are dumb). 

#5 Frizzle

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 11:28 AM

I was expecting something interesting, unfortunately all we have is making babies and getting married.

How dull.

#6 Coops

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 11:32 AM

I was expecting something interesting, unfortunately all we have is making babies and getting married.

How dull.

Well what is yours?


Mine (again):


#7 Ali

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 01:58 PM

Oh!! Go for pie with @Waser Lave when he finally comes south. :D

#8 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:03 PM

Oh!! Go for pie with @Waser Lave when he finally comes south. :D


I feel like I want to say 'phrasing'. :p

#9 Ali

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:07 PM

I feel like I want to say 'phrasing'. :p

Are we still doing phrasing?

#10 Adam

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:08 PM

I'll likely populate this list as I think of more things throughout the day-


See a Taylor Swift concert, and maybe touch her butt or have her touch mine.

Meet Emma Watson, same butt situation.

Para sail

Hang Glide

Visit the Egyptian Pyramids

Move to a European country

To be continued...

#11 Waser Lave

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:14 PM

Are we still doing phrasing?


We were never not doing phrasing. Who does some good eel pie in that London?




As for mine:


  • Get married
  • Have cubs

#12 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:17 PM

  • Finish seeing the states. I'm at 25/50 right now.
  • Have a homebirth

I guess that's it.

#13 GetJinxed

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 02:25 PM

- Parachute jump - not that i'm afraid or anything but one day :p i've got the finances for that but would rather go with somebody who would enjoy that expererience as much as me. Life's better when you can share those moments  :wub:

- Travel around the world. The first ones being UK, USA, Italy, Thailand, Bora Bora (by no particular order)

- Attend to a Skillet concert - They never come to Portugal even though I asked Jen Ledger on a AMA on facebook if they had plans to come here anytime soon. She said "YES" damn-pretty-sexy-please-marry-me-lier <_< 

... will add more if they come to mind

#14 Dazz

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 08:09 AM

Buuut let's excuse it because this place is practically comatose and could use all the help it could get.


- Travel. The Boy and I are pretty good at just going to places we want to go but there's a few places still on the list. Japan. Cambodia (looking like our big trip for next year). New Zealand. The only way we're getting me to NZ is with a substantial stopover somewhere though, I can't hack the flight. The suggestion is always that we go to the Singapore grand prix en route...The other problem is that means I'd want 3 weeks and us both getting 3 weeks off work seems unlikely.

- Move out of London. Well, in 2 minds about this... I'll never leave England again I don't think, I've done my living abroad. I love London so much but I don't think it's forever and I have vague aspirations to be in the country. But then I miss London if I'm not there.

- Run all the marathon world majors. I've done 3/6. The qualifying time for Boston gets lower and lower every year and the last couple of years, you've had to beat the qualifying time by a couple of minutes because so many people make it now. I just about scrape into London on good for age criteria, but I'd need to knock at least 10 mins off my PB to make Boston, and there's no back up option of a ballot etc. So probably I'll end up on 5/6, my injury record in the past year or so means I suspect my best running may be behind me. But saying that...

- Run an ultra marathon. Even if it's only ever something British, rather than something epic like Mont Blanc. In a dream world, the Coastal Challenge, in Costa Rica.


Japan would be pretty amazing to go visit someday, Tokyo mostly I think but I wouldn't even know where to begin. Also I never had you down as a runner :o But you can't end on 5/6, keep training, knock those 10 minutes off and get that full 6/6! I believe in you  ^_^



  • Finish seeing the states. I'm at 25/50 right now.
  • Have a homebirth

I guess that's it.


What are some of the states you've enjoyed most so far? I'd love to visit Cali, Hawaii, Florida, Texas and New York. Buut I don't really know much about other states so where would you suggest me visiting?  ^_^


- Parachute jump - not that i'm afraid or anything but one day :p i've got the finances for that but would rather go with somebody who would enjoy that expererience as much as me. Life's better when you can share those moments  :wub:


Yess I can highly recommend this. I did one last year, 5 hours of waiting in the car park for the weather to clear up but my god was it worth it :D If you were in England I'd come with, because I definitely want to go do it again.

#15 Ali

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 09:48 AM

Japan would be pretty amazing to go visit someday, Tokyo mostly I think but I wouldn't even know where to begin. Also I never had you down as a runner :o But you can't end on 5/6, keep training, knock those 10 minutes off and get that full 6/6! I believe in you  ^_^

Ha, we have a vague plan for Japan worked out ready...it's just finding the time and money to get on with it.


Really? I thought I talked about it quite a lot, haha. I do get confused about what I say on the board and what I just chat in nonsense messages to @Waser Lave though. But yeah, I take it fairly seriously, in that I run and race all year, it's not just the occasional one off thing that I aim towards. I race at least a few half marathons a year and I've run 5 marathons.


Boston qualifying time for women this year was 3:35:00 and I think they actually had to run 2:28 under the standard to get a place, so 3:32:32...I just don't think I have that sort of time in me! And it's actually even more convoluted than that, because realistically to cut that much time off my PB, I would need a very fast flat course so probably London or Berlin again, both of which are also majors and ballot entry so by no means guaranteed to get a place. So my plan for Boston would probably be:

  • pick a marathon,
  • to run a sub 3:45,
  • to get a Good for Age place at London,
  • to run a sub 3:35,
  • to hope for a place at Boston.

That's a lot of toil on my little legs, especially when I only usually run 1 a year as well as a lot of forward planning! And that's why my focus is potentially on upping my distance running instead.

#16 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 10:05 AM

I do get confused about what I say on the board and what I just chat in nonsense messages to @Waser Lave though.


That's me!


Boston qualifying time for women this year was 3:35:00 and I think they actually had to run 2:28 under the standard to get a place, so 3:32:32...I just don't think I have that sort of time in me! And it's actually even more convoluted than that, because realistically to cut that much time off my PB, I would need a very fast flat course so probably London or Berlin again, both of which are also majors and ballot entry so by no means guaranteed to get a place. So my plan for Boston would probably be:
  • pick a marathon,
  • to run a sub 3:45,
  • to get a Good for Age place at London,
  • to run a sub 3:35,
  • to hope for a place at Boston.

That's a lot of toil on my little legs, especially when I only usually run 1 a year as well as a lot of forward planning! And that's why my focus is potentially on upping my distance running instead.


On the plus side, since you're getting on a bit now that Good for Age time moves gradually upward. :D

#17 Ali

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 10:11 AM

On the plus side, since you're getting on a bit now that Good for Age time moves gradually upward. :D

Heh, yeah my London time goes up by 5 minutes when I hit 41, Boston goes up by 5 minutes at I think 35. Still both a fair way off and not enough difference to matter!

#18 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 10:18 AM

Heh, yeah my London time goes up by 5 minutes when I hit 41, Boston goes up by 5 minutes at I think 35. Still both a fair way off and not enough difference to matter!


If you manage to stay injury-free for a decent amount of time then knocking 10 minutes off isn't unrealistic at all, you can do it! Probably don't wait until you're 41 though. :rolleyes:

#19 JennaJayen

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 06:00 PM

Mine is:


- Have a Homebirth

- go back and visit China again (went in 2003 for 2 weeks, loved it)

- go to Germany and see the areas where my maternal grandmother grew up

- go to England and Scotland and see where my paternal ancestors used to live and visit my aunt, uncle & cousins

- visit the USA etc, I have friends who live over there that I'd like to visit

- make my Business a thriving one where I never have to worry about money/working a mainstream job to make ends meet and can hire others to work for me

- see my kids grow up, get married/find a life partner and have children of their own (had a health scare recently where there was the possibility that that may not happen)

- Quit smoking at some point in the next 10 years, and then once I'm 80 take it up again along with excessive drinking (and maybe even give illegal drugs a try for the first time too lol) and become that obnoxious drunk old lady who chain smokes in the nursing home and drives the nurses/other residents crazy  :lol2:

- end up with a giant collection of gemstones worth $200,000+ that requires it's own museum to store & display it in - currently sitting on $4000rrp or so worth, plus there's another $3000rrp or so worth due to arrive via courier tomorrow (mostly for the webstore, but I'll be keeping my favourite pieces from this batch lol).

- find the mother lode of some kind of gemstone while out fossicking one day, I don't care what type of gemstone it is as long as I find an amazing display piece that's worth a lot of $$$$, I fully expect that this will take my entire lifetime to achieve.

- take my oldest child out to a dinosaur fossil dig.

- take middle child to disney princesses on ice.

- take youngest child to a certain dinosaur museum.

- see Icehouse live in concert

- see Billy Joel live in concert

- see Sting live in concert

- attend a twin birth

- attend a triplet birth

- attend the birth of someone famous


I think that's all at the moment, I'll probably add more to it over the next few years or so.

#20 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 19 April 2016 - 04:50 AM

What are some of the states you've enjoyed most so far? I'd love to visit Cali, Hawaii, Florida, Texas and New York. Buut I don't really know much about other states so where would you suggest me visiting?  ^_^[/background]

Depends on what you're interested in, really. I like hiking, looking at animals and rocks, and museums.


Virginia is beautiful, hilly and every shade of green in the spring/summer. And they have these neat little fairy stones that look like retarded crosses when you squint at them.



Texas is great. I go there once a year or so. It's warm and there's ocean. You can't beat ocean.


Iowa and Kansas suck. Drive around those states. 


Utah is pretty, but the people are weird. They have neat rock formations there.

#21 Junjie

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Posted 19 April 2016 - 04:56 AM

Mine is:


I think that's all at the moment, I'll probably add more to it over the next few years or so.

@JennaJayen You, and your life, sounds. Preetty *amaazing*.

Edited by Junjie, 19 April 2016 - 04:57 AM.

#22 JennaJayen

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Posted 19 April 2016 - 05:19 AM

@JennaJayen You, and your life, sounds. Preetty *amaazing*.


Thank you :) It has it's ups and downs, on an "up" at the moment where things are looking pretty positive, but expecting a down to hit again around the middle of the year lol


**edited to add - the gemstones arrived today, a whole day early, my oldest child (who has ADHD and is currently "obsessive" about gemstones) was over the moon.

Edited by JennaJayen, 19 April 2016 - 05:23 AM.

#23 Dazz

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 03:40 PM

Ha, we have a vague plan for Japan worked out ready...it's just finding the time and money to get on with it.


Really? I thought I talked about it quite a lot, haha. I do get confused about what I say on the board and what I just chat in nonsense messages to @Waser Lave though. But yeah, I take it fairly seriously, in that I run and race all year, it's not just the occasional one off thing that I aim towards. I race at least a few half marathons a year and I've run 5 marathons.


Boston qualifying time for women this year was 3:35:00 and I think they actually had to run 2:28 under the standard to get a place, so 3:32:32...I just don't think I have that sort of time in me! 


You might have mentioned it, to be fair my memory is pretty fucking awful so i'll give you that :p 


You don't have that sort of time in you? Well not with that attitude! Like the badger said, 10 minutes off isn't unrealistic at all, you got this  ^_^

Depends on what you're interested in, really. I like hiking, looking at animals and rocks, and museums.


Virginia is beautiful, hilly and every shade of green in the spring/summer. And they have these neat little fairy stones that look like retarded crosses when you squint at them.


Texas is great. I go there once a year or so. It's warm and there's ocean. You can't beat ocean.


Iowa and Kansas suck. Drive around those states. 


Utah is pretty, but the people are weird. They have neat rock formations there.


If i'm visiting muricaland I think i'd prefer to just kick back, relax, and take the sights in, especially if i'll be riding for long hours. Ocean sounds great but uhh, one teeny tiny problem, I kinda can't swim :p "Utah is pretty, but the people are weird" Now that sounds like my kinda place! I'm sure i'd fit in perfectly.


Are there many states you haven't been to but would love to visit some day?

#24 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 21 April 2016 - 01:31 PM

If i'm visiting muricaland I think i'd prefer to just kick back, relax, and take the sights in, especially if i'll be riding for long hours. Ocean sounds great but uhh, one teeny tiny problem, I kinda can't swim :p "Utah is pretty, but the people are weird" Now that sounds like my kinda place! I'm sure i'd fit in perfectly.
Are there many states you haven't been to but would love to visit some day?

You don't have to be able to swim. Just sit on the beach and stare at all the wet pretty girls. British accents get you a free pass to creep here.


Basically all of them. In particular I'm interested in Oregon, Washington, Ohio, Maine, and Montana.

#25 Dazz

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Posted 22 April 2016 - 06:43 PM

You don't have to be able to swim. Just sit on the beach and stare at all the wet pretty girls. British accents get you a free pass to creep here.


Basically all of them. In particular I'm interested in Oregon, Washington, Ohio, Maine, and Montana.


That actually sounds pretty sweet, but a free pass is great and all but I prefer to earn it :p Get me a few drinks in me and I can charm my way into anything ;) . The only place I've heard bad things about is North Carolina, I don't suppose you've been there before have you?

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