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Posted 01 February 2005 - 09:27 PM

this kinda cheered me up my friend just called meh... he wanted to tell jokes  :blink:  well here it is.....

    There were these 3 people in an airplane. ONe was chinese,japanese and american. So the american said "were over my country so ill throw a stick!" so it came down and hit a lady. so a girl passed by and asked why are you crying? she said cause a srtick just hit me in the eye!  the japanese guy said "were over my country so I'm gona throw a joke book! so it came down and people started laughing. someone asked why they were laughing. because a joke book just came out of the sky!  so the chinese guy said "I'm over my country so I'm going to throw a stick of dynamite!"

so  it came down and

someone asked an old lady "why are you laughing?"

because I farted any my house blew up :D

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