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Faild to activate VB.USERControl. please help!

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#1 airokin

  • 1 posts

Posted 06 June 2006 - 11:51 AM

Hey, this comes on whenever I try to open a programe, please help me, I dont understand very much of computering. I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, it said I wasn't allowed to post in the programe discussion one. I did use the search function but to no avail, please could you help?

Thanks in advance.

#2 Mumei

  • 3545 posts

Posted 06 June 2006 - 12:03 PM

there was no need to search, there is a PINNED topic at the top of this section Titled "*** READ THIS BEFORE POSTING IN HERE ***"

(and the Program Related FAQ in my sig, and in the programming help section, and in the checks download)

they all explain a few simple ways to try and fix general problems like this out

Quick Checklist:
1) I have the latest version of the Check CodexCheck Download to check
2) I have checked the discussion thread to check I'm reporting a new error CodexCheck Discussion Topic to check
3) I have searched Codex using the search facility to check no-one else has reported this problem
4) is it happening on all programs?
5) Does it happen all the time?
6) are you getting any error messages? (Screen shots are useful)
7) has it only just started getting errors?

to report an error - post it in the CodexCheck Discussion Topic with as much information as possible (answers to the above checklist)

this specific error is because you do not have an up to date version of the CodexCheck, please goto required downloads and update your version of the Check

I have also added this specific condition into the FAQ as i'm sure i'll get this question again

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