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pro-life+death penalty = lolwut?

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#1 nox

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 04:22 PM

i'd type up a long essay with 10 paragraphs but all that needs to be said is


#2 Tetiel

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:34 PM

Reasoning is that fetuses didn't do anything wrong and don't deserve to die. Murderers however do. That's what they go by and it's somewhat understandable.

#3 nox

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:56 PM

QUOTE(Tetiel @ Dec 21 2007, 09:34 PM) View Post
Reasoning is that fetuses didn't do anything wrong and don't deserve to die. Murderers however do. That's what they go by and it's somewhat understandable.

i guess my question was coming from a christian standpoint.. cause even if you aren't catholic and don't follow/agree with statements from the vatican, wouldn't it be against christian morality for anyone other than god to bestow judgement upon another's actions?

in the case that someone killed another claiming that god "pulled the trigger/told him to/etc" what do you think the proper punishment would be

#4 DudeOnline

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:58 PM

the punishment would be the same. Church and State are seperate.

#5 nox

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:01 PM

QUOTE(Dudeonline @ Dec 21 2007, 09:58 PM) View Post
the punishment would be the same. Church and State are seperate.

right...besides the fact that 90% of the current republican candidate's religious beliefs affect their policies in nearly every way..lol

but anyways i didn't mean in terms of federal punishment, but of "christian morality"

Edited by nox, 21 December 2007 - 07:02 PM.

#6 DudeOnline

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:05 PM

in that aspect im not sure. but you are right, US laws are greatly influenced by Christianity, and its a shame.

#7 Tetiel

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:07 PM

QUOTE(nox @ Dec 21 2007, 08:56 PM) View Post
i guess my question was coming from a christian standpoint.. cause even if you aren't catholic and don't follow/agree with statements from the vatican, wouldn't it be against christian morality for anyone other than god to bestow judgement upon another's actions?

in the case that someone killed another claiming that god "pulled the trigger/told him to/etc" what do you think the proper punishment would be

The bible allows for crimes to be punishable by death and for tribe leaders to judge for crimes. Judging there is more mentality and not for crimes. As in you shouldn't judge others based on social status or judge their sins and tell them they're going to hell aka spiritual judging. They aren't talking about judge judge.

#8 nox

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:57 PM

QUOTE(Tetiel @ Dec 21 2007, 10:07 PM) View Post
The bible allows for crimes to be punishable by death and for tribe leaders to judge for crimes. Judging there is more mentality and not for crimes. As in you shouldn't judge others based on social status or judge their sins and tell them they're going to hell aka spiritual judging. They aren't talking about judge judge.

would you consider court juries tribal leaders?

#9 Tetiel

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Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:03 PM

QUOTE(nox @ Dec 21 2007, 10:57 PM) View Post
would you consider court juries tribal leaders?

Yes, I would as it somewhat is our system to make sure that the system is fair. Mind you this is all what I remember and I haven't felt like reading deunometry again.

#10 Akira

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 05:13 AM


Christians, in the case of murder, have contradictory ideals:

It is wrong to kill...unless you're killing a killer, then it's okay. It's wrong to kill a fetus, since they think that the instant sperm hits egg a soul is born, yet there is no hesitation to kill someone who has a full conscience and the ability to affect society.

You cannot be the judge, only God is the judge....unless you are a judge appointed by the people to be a judge, then you can judge away!

It's rather rude of me, I know....but damn, people, make up your damn mind! Is it wrong kill, or are we allowed to kill? If so, don't have a commandment that says 'thou shalt not murder'! It's still murder if you're murdering a murderer, after all; just because he's in a cell with no hope of escape doesn't change that!

In fact, since the Christian right believe so strongly that fetuses have souls, I guess it's time for me to state something simple: Since it's just semen and an egg that makes the embryo which soon becomes a fetus, one must assume that the semen and egg are both half a soul. So, every time that you murder a murderer, you are committing a mass genocide. In fact, a dead skin cell has the same genetic potential as the stem cells that the Christian right so abhor: so, every time that they scratch their noses, they've murdered so many innocent souls that we ought to kill them. Eye for an eye, and such.

Ridiculous reasoning and pathetic logic weaved so tightly into our laws that it's a noose wrapped around any non-Christian's neck. It's a damn shame, but our country's laws seem to be 'Christian ideals first, everyone else better deal with it because this a Christian country ruled by GOD'. Gay marriage pops up, and now it's one of the biggest 'issues' because a bunch of hetero Christians can't deal with the thought of the 'sanctity of marriage' being disrupted. Abortion pops up, and instead of it being the decision of the pregnant woman, it's the decision of a bunch of impotent, balding old men scrutinizing their bibles for political equality.

I think that sums up my distaste for this whole 'Christian Republicans own our country' thing. I would hope that America would at least -try- to pretend that it wasn't completely owned by the bible, but sadly...eh, I think they just don't give a shit anymore. If that ten commandments case had come up in the last year or so, they probably would have been allowed to keep them out in front of that court house.

So...I'm pro-choice....but I am pro death penalty, because I do think that if someone kills someone else, we should be able to kill them right back. I'm not a fan of religion being anywhere but in church...and sadly, these decisions are nothing more than bible thumpers having a field day.

Believe me, if they discovered a forgotten page of the bible that stated 'the only judge be God, and thy shalt not murder a murderer, as that is a judgmental move', they would throw this pro death penalty thing right out the window and pretend that they never said anything of the sort, or say that the devil tried to trick them, but their faith moved them to change.

So...that's my rambling wall-o-text for the day. It probably made no sense; it's been a while.

#11 DudeOnline

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 08:32 AM

Now do you understand why I left the church so long ago? 1we8.gif

#12 Melchoire

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 12:08 PM

QUOTE(nox @ Dec 21 2007, 07:56 PM) View Post
i guess my question was coming from a christian standpoint.. cause even if you aren't catholic and don't follow/agree with statements from the vatican, wouldn't it be against christian morality for anyone other than god to bestow judgement upon another's actions?

in the case that someone killed another claiming that god "pulled the trigger/told him to/etc" what do you think the proper punishment would be

If god wanted someone dead they wouldn't have been born.

#13 Ives

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 05:14 PM

Nobody deserves to die, nobody deserves to be killed, and nobody deserves to be killed for killing. It's a waste of time, money, and morals. I don't propose a meatball scandinavian system where you can murder someone for being a fag (mind you, I use this word in the context of the perspective of the murderer, language eh?), and then 10 years later get out of jail and on welfare....no. I'm saying no eye for no eye...its a bad concept, and creates bad morals for our kids.

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