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Member Since 12 Sep 2010
Offline Apr 15 2011 09:38 AM

Topics I've Started

The Walking Dead TV show discussion

07 November 2010 - 07:08 PM

The 2nd episode is airing right now and in the beginning these 2 ppl are making out outside. ITS A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AND THEY ARE GETTING IT ON OUTSIDE WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PPL. Well its still a good show so far

Half Price day today!!! post all your bought items/missed

03 November 2010 - 07:08 AM

2010-11-03 09:18:21 - Bought Scorchio Chocolate Cream Cake: 383 NP in 1747ms (Est. Profit: 5051 NP)
2010-11-03 09:18:30 - Bought Flowery New Year Cake: 888 NP in 1731ms (Est. Profit: 2937 NP)
2010-11-03 10:00:22 - Financing: Withdrew 7999 NP from Shop Till.
2010-11-03 10:08:51 - Bought Maraquan Blade Specialist Plushie: 2323 NP in 1419ms (Est. Profit: 20067 NP)
2010-11-03 10:08:59 - Missed Enraged Maraquan Mob Korbat Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 10:09:03 - Missed Skunk Moehog Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 10:17:29 - Missed Cloud Koi Plushie: Sold out.
2010-11-03 10:21:42 - Missed Purple Aisha Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 10:21:44 - Missed Pink Korbat Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 10:35:14 - Missed Valentines Cybunny Plushie: Sold out.
2010-11-03 10:38:28 - Missed Cloud Brush Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 11:00:40 - Bought Maraquan Sergeant Plushie: 2323 NP in 1839ms (Est. Profit: 9355 NP)
2010-11-03 11:00:48 - Missed Snackrifice Snorkle Plushie: Sold out!
2010-11-03 11:00:51 - Bought Green Chia Plushie: 787 NP in 1467ms (Est. Profit: 2608 NP)
2010-11-03 11:01:12 - Missed Green Chia Plushie: Sold out.

I missed alot

What are your opinions on banning ultra-violent games

02 November 2010 - 10:47 AM


Well some are too violent but ESRB is there to tell parents what kind of games they are.

Restocking Bubbling Fungus

31 October 2010 - 09:41 AM

Currently I'm restocking at kayla's potions and i was wondering if i should save them all up until the battle part of the plot starts to sell them? if codestone prices goes up then wouldnt bubbling fungus?

Stupid mistakes

28 October 2010 - 03:10 PM

Today I had a math exam and when i was walking back to my dorm from class I've realized that I have made a ridiculously simple mistake... while deriving sin(2t) and cos(2t) i forgot to apply the chain rule and turn them to 2cos(2t) and -2sin(2t). This question was 1/5th of my grade... hopefully i get partial credit for doing the wronskian correctly.