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Member Since 22 Oct 2010
Offline Private

About Me

MMMMMM, so about me. I'm a student. Will be majoring in art in 2011, if all goes well. I usually just lurk around. I'm pretty new to Neopets really, even though I've been playing since I was ten. I hiatus about 9.5422 years during that time, so you can guess how much I know about Neopets and the tricks of the trade. Don't bother asking me for advice. I have none. Don't accept my advice. It's false.


So what else do you need to know about me?


I like pineapples and hot potatoes, Macdonald's and twister fries. I like soccer, don't play it, weighs exactly 136 pounds, is actually a female with breasts and everything, and oh, a penis. My favorite word is penis, I don't know why, but I just love the way it sounds and the grooviness in which it rhymes with pineapples.Penis Penis Penis. On another note, I'm not really vulgar. IRL I sound like your grandmother Sally who shrinks another five inch every time you say Fuck. But this is the internetzz and I thought I might as well exercise my right to free typing. So penis.


I know nothing about everything but like to partake in debates. I talk through my ass, don't research my facts, but like to logic my feet in anyway. I spend about 70% of my time online and the other 30 sleeping. I'm attending a wedding on the 15th of January. I have a fan. I can't do backflips. I own two dogs, one mother, one laptop, and I just saw Union Jack colored contact lens today.


Does this make your inner stalker happy?

Community Stats

  • Group Member
  • Active Posts 277
  • Profile Views 4748
  • Age Age Unknown
  • Birthday Birthday Unknown
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
  • Interests
    Arts and crafts, drawing, anything that can keep me behind a table, behind some dusky musty curtains, behind a gloomy, oppressing door.

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