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Member Since 02 Apr 2021
Offline Mar 09 2022 06:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mini announcement!

22 July 2021 - 10:31 PM

Awww I've always wanted to date someone who also cheated on Neopets bc they'd be too busy cheating on Neo instead of cheating on me haha 😂

In Topic: How to get shockwave running in 2020

15 May 2021 - 05:22 PM

I just downloaded pale moon and shockwave, worked for me


Yo I been on the Pale Moon wave since Flash tanked (bless Reddit for showing me it) but I cannot for the goddamn life of me get shockwave to work, like i've just signed those avatars/games off as non-existent for me at this point b/c i've downloaded shockwave (correctly i assume) and it's working for me like acne works for my face's aesthetics. >__>

*(if you could help me or just go step-by-step on how you personally got shockwave working w/ Pale Moon, you'll be my hero and i'll probably name my kid after you (jk wont have kids bc gay, thank god)

In Topic: Assignment 53

04 May 2021 - 04:58 AM


Try these:


// Invincible (walk into enemies to kill them)
24 00 61 A4 06 -->
24 01 61 A4 06
66 A4 06 D1 A1 -->
66 A4 06 02 02
// Player can fly by holding up
12 28 00 00 5E 9A 0D 60 B6 07 66 DE 15 90 68 9A 0D 5E 9D 0D 27 68 9D 0D 5E A1 0D 60 88 18 -->
12 00 00 00 5E 9A 0D 60 B6 07 66 DE 15 90 68 9A 0D 5E 9D 0D 27 68 9D 0D 5E A1 0D 60 87 18



Shook as fuck right now, these codes worked like a gem until NOW. ;^; it gets stuck on the first level mid-air and the nerkmid count just keeps going up... um pls tell me its just an issue on my end and am the only one experiencing this shit.... like i'll legit tableflip bc this will just be the beginning to the downfall of AOB h____h;;

In Topic: Abrosia is not so effective these days

14 April 2021 - 04:04 PM

Ugh im do tempted to AB but im such a scaredy cat. 


I dont think i know enough about computers and programming to do it well. 


Try it on a spare account that is linked to a different IP than the accounts you care about are linked to.


A fast, free, and easy-to-use VPN service is ProtonVPN. Just download that if you don't have a working VPN and enable it before setting up an Autobuyer to run your spare (which should be accessed via. Incognito mode in your browser as well as being on a VPN, just my personal preference but i know many ppl do that too)


good luck! c:

In Topic: Not sure where 2 post this, but it won't let me buy Adv. Membership? e.e

13 April 2021 - 08:14 PM

I'll check on that for you.


I manually approved your order at a charge of $4.99.


Yay thanks!! <3 You da MVP ^__^