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Would You Rather....

Posted by Prisca, 31 July 2014 · 631 views

My response is in BOLD and, don’t judge me ;)

Would you rather...

Be 4’5”?

Be 7’7”?

Would you rather...

Have accordions for legs?

Or have a huge belly button 10 inches long that swayed to the beat of popular music?

Would you rather...

Be able to run at 100 miles per hour?

Or fly at 10 miles per hour?

Would you rather...

Have hiccups for the rest of your life?

Or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

Would you rather...

Talk like Jar Jar Binks? (You are not allowed to kill yourself.)

Or look like Jar Jar Binks? (You are not allowed to kill yourself.)

Would you rather...

Have a dragon?

Or be a dragon?

Would you rather...

Be sexually attracted to fruit?

Or have Cheetos dust permanently stuck on your fingers?

Would you rather...

Never have to worry about money?

Or live in a world with Pokemon?

Would you rather...

Live in a world where huge, friendly gummy bears walk around?

Or live in a world where hover boards exist?

Would you rather...

Speak any language fluently?

Or be able to talk to animals?

Would you rather...

Live one 1,000-year life?

Or live ten 100-year lives?

Would you rather...

Only be able to whisper?

Or only be able to shout?

Would you rather...

Fart popcorn?

Or have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?

Would you rather...

Change gender every time you sneeze?

Or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?

Would you rather...

Have a bell go off every single time you were aroused?

Feel a sharp pain in your side every single time someone said your name?

Call me crazy, but there you have it. The world would be boring if we were all the same ;) Enjoy! :)

P.S sorry about the formatting, don't know how to compact it all... :\

Why wouldn't you want to fart popcorn? It would be the best thing ever! Free snacks!
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haha, @nitro I bet it would smell good too! :)

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The popcorn would come out all nice and warm and buttered ;)
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eek, you're starting to make it sound GOOD! lol. 

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Oh, god! the jar jar one! WHY ISN'T KILLING MYSELF AN OPTION!?!?! haha

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@arcanum haha YES! :)

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Why wouldn't you want to fart popcorn? It would be the best thing ever! Free snacks!


You would have "poopcorn."  Does that sound appetizing? XD


The Jarjar one had me rofling. XD

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