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Prisca's Blog

15 random questions. Enjoy. :)

Posted by Prisca, 23 January 2015 · 897 views

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world (living), whom would you want as a dinner guest?
this answer changes from week to week, this week it would be- My In-Laws. I miss them so bad, and i feel like slapping most everyone else lol. (except you codex ;) )

2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
Sure, i would like to be hilarious enough to get there and then be known for being super duper different to everyone else... is that too cliche? lol

3. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?
Yes, i usually run it through my head, especially if i am talking to someone i don't know very well. the word rehearse, i think, is perhaps to strong. why? i don't like to sound dumb on the phone. lol

4. If you were to learn a dance, which would you learn?
the Lindy Hop, it just makes me so happy.

5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
I am always singing to myself. Last time was probably in combination while i was singing my thoughts and feelings to my son after he had thrown a tantrum over, well, nothing (in a effort to sound less mad about things :) )

6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?
My mind... because otherwise i would feel like the silliest 30yr old (but really 90) on the planet.
30yr old Stranger- "you look hot"
90yr olf Me (in 30yr old body)- "is that you henry?" lol
**Imagine the faces hehe :)

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

8. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Nothing, my childhood shaped me into who i am today, i would not change that, so therefore, neither would i change the past.

9. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
The knack for gift-giving. Gift giving is like from another planet to me, i can never get it right or do a great job. Y'know when you're at a party and everyone brings nicely wrapped gifts? I am the one with a scrawled-in card and a gift card. :\ i am painfully bad at it.

10. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
Nothing, i am strangely satisfied with the unknown things that i am tempted to wish for here

11. Is there something that you've dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
Yes, i dream of SO many things. i do nothing out of fear. #lame

12. What do you value most in a friendship?
Honesty and integrity, but mostly honesty. HONESTY! *she yells fiercy* lol

13. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
The other day with my husband. I don't remember why, pregnancy hormones?

14. What do you miss most about being a kid?
Being creative and silly without also being questioned or looked at strangely (or at least notincing those looks lol).

15. Where’s Waldo?
Still missing?

*Interested to hear your answers. :)

Fb Rant

Posted by Prisca, 19 December 2014 · 776 views

Rah. I think people want to make a difference in the world. They see bad things and dislike them, so want everyone to feel the same way and 'see the error of their ways', or they see good things and decide 'everyone now needs to see that there is good in the world.' Lovely.

I am getting rather annoyed with the pluthra of bipolar posts appearing on my news feed (i know, there are a million ways for me to fix this, thanks for all your suggestions). A disaster occurs, people respond, then people respond to peoples response. Fb, just let the news be news. If everyone did a good job loving one another in the first place most everyone surely wouldnt feel the need to plaster their fb with how supportive they are to 'help groups' and how opinionated they are about justice and how much of a big band wagoner they are. blah! Every time one of these posts (excuse the vagueness as i don't have an example that wont offend someone), i am further convinced that the poster is trying to make a point that their day to day lives doesnt. Isnt that hypocrisy? don't get me wrong, we love band wagoners dont we? especially if its for a good cause!! I can appreciate news, if something happens, sure post an article, notify me... maybe, my fb friends may find it hard to believe, but i don't actually hold them accountable for my daily news. Oh boy, i just blew some minds. lol.

I won't even talk about the hundreds of sentimental status' that appear at all the right times (and all at once i might add), but i have an opinion about them as well.

If my friends don't know my position/opinion/thoughts on a current event, then i am not talking to them enough, or it isnt relevant (which is quite often the case). We could talk about drumming up support and how valuable that is, but i just feel it would be more meaningful if people all over the world knew they were supported without having to read fb feeds to affirm them. We rush to fill these 'love holes' because they exist, and sadly people get glory and praise for doing so. I feel that it is pathetic that the support is even lacking in the first place.

But bleh, that is just my opinion. I have finished my rant.

Sorry if this post is vague or doesnt make sense, or is too far out of context. but ya know when like there is a big bad storm and suddenly there are 10k articles about how bad it was (to make us all feel super sad), then another 10k of positive ones (because now we feel too sad), then another billion about supporting the community (which is great, i am all for that, but it would be awesome if the first article about the disaster summoned that response, and no further articles were even needed).

circles, i am blabbing in circles... poofing now. :)

Well, that was.... weird. :) For your entertainment! lol

Posted by Prisca, 08 October 2014 · 941 views

Well, i took a nap, and who should appear in my dream? Keil.. as a girl, obsessed with fish. :)


We met out somewhere, and were getting along well. I was still trying to get my head around calling keil "VALE" (yes vale). I knew she were @keil from codex, but my dream didn't tell me that he was a boy, i was convinced he was a girl.

We went to my place, Vale was dropping me home. It was night time (y'all with your heads in the gutter can pinch yourselves lol), i invited her in.. i was all like "Just for one second, you can see my fish, i need to grab something". She came to the front door. She was SUPER excited about seeing all the fish and wanted to feed them. It made me nervous just in case she decided that i was not a good fish owner and judged me.

We opened my front door into a 'lazy river' that swirled around the aquarium. The water was rough, so we decided to swim around instead of let the tide take us (lol). We got to the back of the house and i showed Vale the first set of fish. She marveled at them and i gave her some fish flakes. She fed the fish and exclaimed over the beauty of the 'sucker fish'. We decided that we had better get back, after all Vale was sleepy. We swam back around the lazy river and came to my sisters room (who was absent), i told Vale she took take a quick nap before we saw the rest of the fish. Vale agreed and fell asleep.

While Vale was sleeping i raced around all excited like! "OH BOY! I hope we can be friends, i hope she likes me" i though. I started playing soft classical music, hoping that it was her favorite... it was, and it woke her up.

We set out to see the rest of the fish and swam across the stream. Vale once again marveled at their glorious fishiness lol, and fed some more fish. Things were going very well. I could tell Vale and i were going to be awesome friends, which was super exciting since i don't make awesome friends too easily and Vale was my first close friend from Codex! :)

It wasn't long before Vale was tired again, from feeding all those fish i imagine, but i really wanted to show her my komodo dragon (because you know, i had one). So i dragged her by the arm, past my sisters bed (which was just chilling in the living room lol) where Vale collapsed. I knew she would be too tired for any more excitement.

When Vale awoke from her nap, i gave her a snack, she fed the fish one more time and left for home.

I was very happy that she came by, i knew we were going to be great friends (if i hadn't scared her with my over friendliness/excitement) and was even more excited to have made a friend from neocodex.

Then i woke up.

My dream reasoning-
Fish/Aquarium- not a clue. i don't have any fish, havent seen one in a while either.
Fish Food- perhaps i was hungry
Keil- have been thinking about the murder mystery, must have remembered him from there.
Vale- TC pronouncing names, someone mentioned 'vale' for keil.
Girl?- Well, i'll be honest, i don't think that keil being a girl had anything to do with the fact that it was keil. my brain is well trained lol and would not invite a man (beside my one true love and various family members) over late at night, so probably just invited a woman over lol, unfortunate for keil :p - ideal for friend making lol.
Lazi River- well, i have been thinking about Jumanji recently, you know the monsoon scene?! It was similar to that.

Well i hope you enjoyed my dream. :)

Here are some little extras for your enjoyment-

Meet 'Vale'-
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My 'house'-
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Blue- water/lazy river
Fish- they are where the fish were. We visited the back first, then the fish at the front of the center aquarium
Bed- Where Vale took her naps
Grey rooms- just unused rooms that existed.
** the front door is where the water begins before the bed (starting at the wall).



Posted by Prisca, 18 September 2014 · 947 views

I will keep it short, sweet and blunt.
  • My family just moved from the USA to AUS.
  • I currently have no computer of my own and limited time on the internet.
  • I still love and miss codex, I hope that i can come back soon.
  • It is probably going to take a few weeks for us to settle into our new apartment.
  • Life is super busy right now.

I know i don't have a close relationship with any of you, but i care about you all, and enjoy interacting with you when i can. For now i will be lurking in the topics and hopefully soon i will be able to contribute and interact with y'all again.

Sending friendly waves :)

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Posted by Prisca, 02 September 2014 · 1638 views


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^^ They don't do it justice lol.

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Posted by Prisca, 25 August 2014 · 634 views

Rant time...

Simple Question- Why (the heck) does it take Immigration LONGER to process (freaking) cases where (dumb) interviews are NOT required, than it does for them to (freaking) process (stupid) cases that DO require interviews?!?


Dear System-
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SO much about immigration doesnt make any sense to me at all! So many whys!? Just give me the (!@#$) green card!!!!!!

*sigh* I'm done.

Goodness, so much aggression!
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Get fit from your living room :)

Posted by Prisca, 18 August 2014 · 535 views

Okay so I am the kind of person who cares little to none about exercise... i like the idea of it, but 'sweat= ew' and 'heat= gross'... so i typically just don't. Well, a friend of mine from high school has started a fitness business with her gf. It is pretty new and a little bit 'cutesy' (i don't think either of them know much about launching a business), but they are hard ass passionate about healthy everything. It kind of makes me want to be healthy, and it even somehow magically got me working out in my living room (waaat!?). So i thought i would share it with ya'll..

Like them on FB to see free living room workouts, random 'motivational' videos and food that only crazy people eat (jks).

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^^ click the image for a link to their fb page.

Take advantage of all the resources these two give away for free! Save yourself the googling. ;) Enjoy! :)


Posted by Prisca, 15 August 2014 · 457 views


Smile, it looks good one you! :)


Posted by Prisca, 08 August 2014 · 493 views

Rah! I am so angry right now... in a mild, looks more like 'annoyed' sort of way.

I don't want to talk about it... But i want to talk about how it makes me feel... mad! lol

It's not a huge deal, its a bit of a deal, its a small deal... its nothing really. BLAH! I wish i wasn't so competitive lol, life would be a whole lot less painful! The small things in life matter way too much to me lol.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh... i just want life to be easy! lol. anyways.... thought i would loudly exhale about it here just because i can.

If i were to paint you a picture of how i feel it would be-

- black for all the anger i feel right now
- orange for all the crap that it is.
- pink for all the crap that i thought it was.
- yellow for the hope that i want there to be.

and messy because i suck at art.

Then, if i was to paint it again tomorrow it would be-

- yellow because i slept
- green because i like green
- blue because i noticed the sky
- brown because i still feel funny about yesterday

and messy because i still suck at art.

Whatever! lol.

That is all.

Would You Rather....

Posted by Prisca, 31 July 2014 · 631 views

My response is in BOLD and, don’t judge me ;)

Would you rather...

Be 4’5”?

Be 7’7”?

Would you rather...

Have accordions for legs?

Or have a huge belly button 10 inches long that swayed to the beat of popular music?

Would you rather...

Be able to run at 100 miles per hour?

Or fly at 10 miles per hour?

Would you rather...

Have hiccups for the rest of your life?

Or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

Would you rather...

Talk like Jar Jar Binks? (You are not allowed to kill yourself.)

Or look like Jar Jar Binks? (You are not allowed to kill yourself.)

Would you rather...

Have a dragon?

Or be a dragon?

Would you rather...

Be sexually attracted to fruit?

Or have Cheetos dust permanently stuck on your fingers?

Would you rather...

Never have to worry about money?

Or live in a world with Pokemon?

Would you rather...

Live in a world where huge, friendly gummy bears walk around?

Or live in a world where hover boards exist?

Would you rather...

Speak any language fluently?

Or be able to talk to animals?

Would you rather...

Live one 1,000-year life?

Or live ten 100-year lives?

Would you rather...

Only be able to whisper?

Or only be able to shout?

Would you rather...

Fart popcorn?

Or have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?

Would you rather...

Change gender every time you sneeze?

Or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?

Would you rather...

Have a bell go off every single time you were aroused?

Feel a sharp pain in your side every single time someone said your name?

Call me crazy, but there you have it. The world would be boring if we were all the same ;) Enjoy! :)

P.S sorry about the formatting, don't know how to compact it all... :\

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