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In Topic: MegaUpload shut down

14 March 2012 - 02:35 AM

I... don't know o.o
My understanding of crime is limited.

Ange would know. :/

That I do. My understanding (albeit of US law, which is rather limited since you know, I don't live there) is that in using any money gained through methods deemed to be illegal is money laundering.

This case is quite ridiculous, and I believe it will fail. I'm studying it in my masters class for IT law... I'll even be discussing it briefly in my thesis.
What's the difference between megaupload and youtube? Service providers simply aren't responsible for the actions of their users under US law, and while flaunting the money gained for many years and drawing attention to his wealth, Dotcom has not done anything illegal personally. He has in fact gone above and beyond his legal requirements to prevent his service being used for copyright infringement. Yes his service was clearly used for copyright infringement, that does not make him liable for providing a service that can be used to do so. I understand Youtube won their case using this same argument.
His reward scheme I'm iffy about. That's probably going to count against him in some way.

I think the police went overboard to err on the side of caution, knowing Dotcom has significant resources available to protect himself. A failed attempt is more embarrassing than going a bit overboard, but getting the job done.

Ironic really that guns are legal in the US, and a person selling a gun isn't liable for the actions of someone who bought a gun from them - who then uses that gun to murder or seriously injure, yet Dotcom selling a service that *some* used to infringe copyright is a major problem worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

I'm 50/50 on his extradition... it's difficult as we are a very small country and going up against the US without very good reason is unwise at best.

Oh yeah, sorry for gravedig. Found my name mentioned and thought this was worth an opinion.