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Member Since 19 Nov 2011
Offline Feb 13 2012 06:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dad shoots .45 rounds in daughters laptop

13 February 2012 - 01:36 AM

I could see my girlfriend's mom doing this. she is super crazy and controlling

In Topic: Are you smarter then a chimp?

10 February 2012 - 09:16 PM

6/10 hmm thanks for posting this SS, really interesting

In Topic: what do you consider poor for yourself?

20 January 2012 - 09:22 PM

right now I'm really poor, less than 2m. I AB on a young account so no AAA buys. I'll feel poor till I hit the 10m+ mark in pure

In Topic: Sup

20 January 2012 - 09:18 AM

Heh, thanks O: i used to hv another acc on here, but i forget the info ><

nd key quest looks pretty good for legit np

habitarium worth leaving open?

Yes it is worth leaving open, people at higher levels make like 100k+ a day from it.

In Topic: What's your inner animal?

20 January 2012 - 08:52 AM

Your Inner Animal is an

Your colorful personality makes you quite popular, and others enjoy being around you. You have a gentle nature but can become agitated when confronted. You enjoy traveling and particularly love basking in the sun.

Iguess that's me ... *shifty eyes* >.>