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Posted by DasBear, 24 May 2014 · 527 views

cool ideas
Everyone has a freezer and some ice trays, but do you use them very often?

Freeze your left over coffee! You can use these to cool down coffee that's too hot or blend the coffee ice-cubes in a blender to make a Frappe! Just add milk and whatever sweetener you like.
-Caramel Sauce
-Vanilla Simple Syrup
-Chocolate Sauce
-Cinnamon flavored caramel sauce

Try freeze some green tea to make a green-tea slushie! Add frozen blueberries for a twist and sweetness! (Just sweeten with honey or simple syrup)

I like to use some Sanpellegrino in Blood Orange or Lemon (Sprite is fine too), then add some fresh fruit to it (Kiwi, Mango, Blueberries, Peach, Strawberries). I will add this to ice-cube tray and freeze. Later add this to juice of choice. You can even add this to a alcoholic beverage. If you want to get really creative, add fresh mint leaves for a refreshing taste.

Freeze from cranberry juice and add a few ice-cubes to orange juice to make a Cranberry-Orange. Top with a sparkling wine or Sparkling Water.

Doing a Fruit Punch for a party? Freeze some fresh pineapple with the juice (or Fruit Punch with some fresh fruit), then later drop a few cubes to flavor your punch and also keep it cool.

Freeze some vodka with some fruit to chill your alcohol beverage and add a bit of color and interest to the cocktail. Why dilute your drinks with flavorless water.

Please enjoy these ideas responsibly!

Psssttt....You can freeze stock and left over wine to use on recipes later.

I was expecting either TNT's poor judgement or a random rendition of Let it Go, but I am very much pleased with what was presented.


I never tried a home made frap before. I think I'll do that tomorrow.

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Hahah! That was the plan. ;) 

Lemme add how to make some syrups. If you like Frosties, take chocolate milk and freeze them up. Add a bit of cool-whip (I tried it with homemade whip-cream and it doesn't work for this) and a touch of condense milk, just a touch. Blend and you have a carbon copy of the Frosties they sell at Wendy's. 

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Haha this is excellent! I've also made my own sugar syrup for frappes by heating caster sugar and water (using a little more water than used with making toffee, and just stir until the sugar dissolves & remove from heat), which works nicely for a frappe sweetener too C:

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