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Bonfire Night

Posted by Irradium, 08 November 2014 · 941 views

bonfire firework night explosions
On Friday night, my parents and I had our Bonfire Night 'party'. Basically, tons of fireworks, burgers, sausage, and rolls. I ate one chicken burger, as well as two venison and beef burgers... which is at least 3000-3500 calories, in one go? :D

The fireworks were pretty great, we had 10 ones that go straight up high and explode, a Roman Candle, plenty of spark showers and the like, and one big one that sent up 19 shots, most of which whistled, and a few other oddballs I can't really remember all that well. Unfortunately, we didn't have any that turned into a dragon and then exploded over the valley. :( One of them (I believe it was a spark shower of sorts) also exploded before it was done shooting sparks. It was a nice explosion though! :3

Unfortunately, some asshat from the next street across started shouting at us telling us to stop, and that he'd call the police if we didn't... but it's completely legal before 11am, so, screw him, I'm allowed to have fun if I want! Not to mention that because we're not in the same street (our estate has a weird layout), he wouldn't even know which house to complain about (so, it's a rather empty threat)... and apparently one of the rockets (or, rather, the fallout of it) hit his car... but I have no control over that, so, you know, what am I meant to do about that? Fuck all, is what I did; I just set off some more fireworks. :p

Grrr, what an ass though. :K

Anyway, I got to play with fire, and set off fireworks; it was a fun night! ^_^ You can look at the (good) pictures below...


What are one chicken burgers?


Looks like fun, haven't set off fireworks in forever since Hawaii cracked down on em.

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@blue, it's 4am, I'm tired and I can't write properly. xD It's been fixed now... thanks for pointing it out. :)

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