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Posted by Karla, 31 December 2018 · 1714 views

2018 new year

TLDR: 2018 was a pretty good year. Actually, it was better than I expected.


-I started working as a temporary graphic designer for one of my college’s programs, The Early Identification Program. I didn’t learn much from it, but it did feel rewarding contributing to their program. I actually kind of wished I knew about the program when I was in high school, ‘cause I could have used it to focus on science studies, and gotten a job related to science. Oh well... I knew for a fact that this job was temporary, so I was looking for jobs on the side. I left the job in May, and searched until I found a full time job in August.
- The place I started working at is called Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. It’s a HUGE-ASS law firm with over 30 offices around the world that specializes in several law practices. My job as a Production Artist is to create (or help create) design materials advertising their events. It’s a fun job, but sometimes it can be a little frustrating.


Natural Occurrences
Nothing major that I can recall. It did snow a lot, so I had to drive carefully in some conditions.


Things could’ve gone better…
- Mom was still being an asshole, especially beginning this year. She did get really sick though, so despite my differences with her, I put my anger aside to take care of her (That, and I was the only one who would do it. My brother was at work and my father was too lazy.) She also got into a heated argument with my aunt who I love so much. It got so bad apparently that she told her to not come to the house or call again. So my brother, father and I pretty much can’t see my aunt unless we leave Mom behind. Mom accuses us of “abandoning” her. She can call it whatever she wants, but she’s not going to stop us from seeing my aunt.
- The battery in my car died while I was in the parking lot of the university I worked at. It was freezing cold. I couldn't wait for my dad in the car because I couldn't turn the car on, and I couldn't go inside the buildings because I had to keep an eye out for my dad, plus all the buildings were pretty much closed. Not fun times. He did manage to jumpstart my car so he could get the battery replaced.


- I’ve been watching YouTube mostly. I’ve gotten addicted to this theatre company called Starkid back in May. I haven’t been able to stop watching their productions and videos on YouTube ever since. XD I think my favorite musical they’ve done is Twisted (It’s a parody of Aladdin, and I strongly recommend it if you’re a super fan of Disney movies).
- I think I may have seen 2 or 3 movies at theaters this year. Movie tickets are just too damn expensive, and I refuse to waste my money on movies that I don’t think I’m going to like. My mother always makes me watch movies with her, but she never wants to watch any movies I want to see. She always complains that I don’t see enough movies with her.


- I’ve tried all different types of food and restaurants this year, and I liked most of them. My favorite one is this place called Jinya Ramen bar. They serve Ramen in a pretty neat environment. If I had any friends, I’d invite them with me to eat there.
- I DID, however, get sick twice from a Thai restaurant I liked to go to a lot, but despite that, I keep eating there because my parents can't stop eating their "usual" dishes (They keep forgetting the names of the dishes, but I have to remember them because I'm the one always ordering them). I need to stop. It’s funny how an upscale place like that makes me sick, but I’ve never gotten sick from Chipotle or McDonalds. XD


Because of job hunting and the fact that I play on pet sites, I’ve pretty much abandoned my art, and I fear my artistic skills have suffered because of it. I’m going to try and take a sketchbook to work to practice on my art during my breaks, because I miss doing it a lot. :(

This was a very cool post. I feel like I need to do one! Sorry to read about your mom, I hope things are better! 2019 will be a great year for you!!!
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I liked your post too, moms can be a little manipulative at times :( 


I'd like to polish my art too, so good luck on that!

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