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Work VS Neopets

Posted by FelisNoctua, 28 May 2015 · 855 views

all work no play dull neopet
It has come to this. I apparently am doing just about anything to NOT get this project finished. Even though getting it finished would ultimately getting to move on to the research portion of the summer, which is what I'm supposedly being paid for. My BS is in teaching, so when I was asked to rewrite the curriculum for my TA work, I was all "sure, easy, no problem" (not that I really had a choice). Ungodly busy semester aside, the things he wanted for this curriculum were just, not realistic. Requirements were amorphous. Things changed all the time. It took nearly all semester for him to really settle (or make me understand) exactly how he wanted each slide to look, and how the lecture should flow, and how many pictures, and what spacing, and holy crap man. I'm a teacher, not a typesetter. Either let me TEACH or bugger off!

So. This summer, I have an RA, the coveted "we'll pay you to do research" award. Yet, here I am, still doing this damned curriculum reform. I'm so bored by it now. And, the time frame he wants it done in is unrealistic. I'm paid 20 hours a week for 40 hours a work, if he wants it done when he wants it. And, being bored, and under a deadline, naturally, I want to do ANYTHING but. Which means, Neopets.

I seriously can't recall the last time I logged in before this summer. I think I did here and there last summer, finished up NQ2 and NQ1 for golds. But really, just, if I do, I probably do dailies and stick my BD pet in training, and forget about it. But NOW. Oh, NOW?

I'm determining my BD Pet's Net Worth. HA.

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I've worked out a Training Schedule, and calculated the pet's worth based on that training:


I'm determining the value of the books she's read, to add that to her pet worth:

Posted Image

I'm getting involved in the AC again, and this time, I'm learning how to SS and get a shiny new trophy. In short, I'm doing basically everything possible to not finished this stupid project, that I would have loved, and finished early, if I had JUST been allowed to do what I do: be a bloody teacher. BUT NO. No. Instead. Neopets.

Ooh, is that a new post on the forum I certainly don't have time to read?
Let's go read it.

What if you calculated it to getting your pet to level 250 as fast as you can, and then training at stat afterwards? 

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What if you calculated it to getting your pet to level 250 as fast as you can, and then training at stat afterwards? 

Hmm, I recently decided I should be leveling to 50, at least, (not sure why I wasn't). But, the cost calculation for fast training to 248 (with accompanying stats) is 34,775,130 less the 1,330,000 I've paid, which would make the remaining cost still 33,445,130. You want to train the stats within the Course Type brackets (between Intermediate and Adept, train the stats as well) because it keeps the cost of those stats lower. I dicearood myself out of Basic before I was ready, and have been paying 3 codestones per HP, when I should/could have been paying 2. (Everytime I go back, just just lifts me again, jerk. Bet he won't do that when I really need him too.)

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