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BLC, Bingewalking Supernatural.

Posted by FelisNoctua, 14 June 2015 · 394 views

blc scavenger hunt thoughts nsfw

06/15 Since this is going to tack onto my last thread, cause ya'll are NO kinds of motivating fun, I'll date the edit! Just finished bingewalking Supernatural. My weight loss goals are coming much easier once I decided I was just going to WALK, which I like, while watching TV, because TV. I get to catch up on Mah Shows, while working out. And I do work out. More episodes and my knee gets the old ache and I'm warm and it might not be a run, but it's three episodes of Supernatural, squeeing my way to 9 pounds down from where I started (before this thread). BAM. I'm SO glad I decided to do this. I tried elliptical in front of TV, because I have one, and I would go go go on fast shows like GoT, but of course it's basically running without the joint pain and doing every day was rough rough rough. Walking? Pffft. I can walk anywhere. Crammed in 2 hours of work that ended just after midnight, and then walked. Got 9k steps in, 3.75 miles. My daily goal is 4 miles. I don't always bingwalk that, sometimes my regular walking during the day pads me and I just need 1 to take me to my goal (I usually do 2 anyway). I hadn't done it the past few days, all stressed out over work, but dammit, I've had Dean Winchester shirtless on his damned impala on my desktop for a couple days now and I didn't want to wait any longer!
Ooh it didn't tack! Maybe it's a date thing.

Source: The Biggest Loser Competition - Summer 2015 Edition: WEEKLY RESULTS

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I don't know why this picture exists, but I'm way too happy it does. (Could be a screencap and I'm just not there yet. But DAMN.)

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Since I'm being all updatey and shit, I'm pretty proud of my "toothbrush" entry in the scavenger hunt too.

I'll have to do this one in pieces.
Who looks at a toothbrush and thinks "This could be a little more sonic"?

(Edit: Best Tennant I can do in 5 minutes, most of that figuring out how to badly tie the tie. No brown or black suitcoats I'm afraid. But they are all pinstripe!)
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Source: Rocket's Summer 2015 Super Scavenger Hunt Extraveganza

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