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My parents are leaving :D

Posted by Daria, 06 May 2016 · 976 views

So some of you may have read my previous blog about my parents. So I have exciting news since the last time I posted!!! They are moving back to Russia!! It has been a long time coming. In Russia they have high qualifications and here in Australia they have minority jobs which are slowly making them depressed (which I highly understand, as I would probably feel the same way).
They've bought new furniture for their new apartment there and are about finished packing their personal belongings to ship off in a container. Mum says as soon as they are done packing, and the container is shipped, they will immediately buy one way tickets. This is all going to go down within the next few weeks to come! And I am super excited for them to finally leave me alone. I've dreamed my entire life about moving out of home and having my own place far away from them - but they are doing all the work for me and paying the rent while my sister and I continue to live and study here! (what more could i ask for?!)
I'm excited to have things my own way around the house and mostly that I don't have to hide seeing my boyfriend so much anymore and he can freely come over to my place and spend time with me here rather than me always going to his house.
This blog entry wasn't going to be long I just felt like sharing my excitement about things that are happening right now and I feel like my life is finally starting to move in the right direction and I'm going to have more control over it rather than my parents always commanding me and telling me how to live and watching my every move.
You know that feeling you have when you finish a long frustrating assignment that you surely thought you will fail but then you get your mark back and its the complete opposite? Well that's what I am sort of feeling right now. I worked hard in my life and there were a lot of annoying and frustrating ups and downs and I didn't think I was going to get anywhere. But here I am now, some time has passed, and my hard work is paying off.
Now all I have to do is contain myself when it comes to buying household items because I will get carried away with buying things such as air tight jars for grains and cereals... and a lot of plants.. lots and lots of plants.....

Congratulations! :D

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How lucky! I was thinking of your situation the other day, happy to see you better now :)

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Congratulations! :D


How lucky! I was thinking of your situation the other day, happy to see you better now :)

thanks guys :) 

im happy to see me better!

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That's so awesome! :D

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