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Thoughts from the dark corner...

And so the long, arduous battle begins!

Posted by WarezHaxor, 21 June 2016 · 849 views

Well...today marks the day I submitted the custody papers for my kids. Their mother has hung up on her children repeatedly since she's moved away because she thinks they don't want her when she calls 10 minutes after their bedtime. She's pushed so many of my buttons recently despite spending over $4000 of my hard earned money to get her new clothes, makeup, an apartment, and everything she wanted to get out, fixed the car she bought to move away with and even helped her move. After all of the help I've given to her even though she's cheated on me 5 times in 6 years, and she still feels a need to try to piss me off. So from this point on it is a waiting game until the public defender gets a hold of me, and the judge sees the case. I know this is going to be a long and stressful fight, and to be honest I do feel like a sleaze ball having to involve the court, but I do need to look out for those girls and my own rights to them. Rather quick entry this time around, I'm anxious and nervous, and don't know what to think or expect especially when she gets served with the paperwork herself, but I do feel I have a good case, and so I remain optimistic. I will keep this blog updated as news occurs on the situation, and I hope it helps to serve as a lesson to anyone who may end up in the same boat as me. Protect your kids, protect your rights, and be willing to do whatever it takes, even if you feel bad for doing something like this. It only guarentees your rights to your kids.

Dark Times 1

Posted by WarezHaxor, 15 June 2016 · 673 views

So as you may or may not know, I'm a father to 2 wonderful girls, who are the totality of my life. My wife and I recently separated due to her infidelity issues, and we are going to be filing our divorce paperwork.
You'd think this was the worst part of it all, the woman you married 6 years ago cheats on you and moves out because she wants a divorce to be with some guy she met online a month prior to moving out. No, it really isnt. Because not only isn't this the first time, it's the third time I've found out about her cheating on me, promising to marry other guys etc, but I also can't seem to bring myself to being the person I used to be and being a cold heartless asshole. I still do pretty much everything she asks me to do, I help out as much as possible even if she always starts a fight.
I have my girls about 90% of the time, which I absolutely love. Their mother however has decided that she wants to move 3 hours south to be with this man, and she wants to take the children with her and leave me with only seeing them on the weekends. This is where the hardest part of my life is at, not even my father's death could prepare me emotionally for this. Whenever I drop those kids off and am home without them I'm so lonely and depressed, most of my friends were forced out by my wife so even though I've tried to make amends I'm kept at a distance, which I totally understand, and honestly had it not been for codex and all the wonderful people here, these times that I'm without the loves of my life are infinitely easier.
But the hardest part is still coming, and that is that I have to file custody papers before she moves, and I have to make the move before she does in order for me to get them during the week and her have visitation. She's not a bad mother, and I feel horrible doing such a thing, but I also have to protect myself and my daughters. I told her I'd never do this, but legally I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't stand the feeling of being away from those 2 girls, and no matter how much I do still care for their mother and don't want to put her through it, it truly is the only way to actually guarentee my children's safety when she's moving in with a guy she's known less than 6 months, and has been brought around my children for 4 months.


~I just want to say thank you to all of you here at Neocodex and I'm proud to be a member of this community and hope to finally progress through the ranks and give back to the community that is helping me through the darkest times of my life...until next time...~

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