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Stocks ~ 24-Oct-2020 06:01:36 NST

  Posted by takeStock, 24 October 2020 · 1081 views

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Wow, this is very useful.


All of my stocks are below 20 right now, never know how to make good decisions before buying.

(even tough always bought at lowest... they rarely grow for me..)


Is this tool also available for us to use?




Sorry never mind... just found out it is actually an blog instead of discussion post..

Is this updated every week?

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Hello! Yes, I try to update it daily. Only just began monitoring data a few months ago. It's not immediately available for use bc I run it on MATLAB, and I'm not sure how to translate it lol but I could probably attach .csv data next time if you're interested in looking at it on your own :D

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