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Not sure if I should be pissed or impressed....

Posted by 5MGEDOHC, 13 May 2014 · 656 views

So recently I had a pregnancy scare with my girlfriend. After feeling relieved that I wasnt gonna be a Father just yet she messages me on facebook and says this...

"Hey I need to ask you something serious. I've been thinking about it for a while and I just need to ask. It might be a little awkward between us after but I feel like we have a strong enough relationship that it won't make things weird or at least I hope not. I just feel like I should be honest and straight up and confront you about it. I just don't see any other way around it and it's not fair for me to not know. I want you to give me your complete and honest answer no matter what the question is."

So I have no idea what she wants and I'm super curious as to what she wants to know.

I reply "Of course, whats on your mind?"

Almost an hour goes by no reply. I keep thinking of worse and worse scenarios on what it could be.

And then my Facebook tab starts flashing "Noam messaged you"

Here is it. The moment of complete and total truth.

"Is mayonnaise an instrument?"

God Fucking Dammit.

I don't know to be impressed or pissed.
Needless to say, She got me good.

No, Moan mayonnaise is not an instrument. Horse radish isn't an instrument either!

I'd be impressed, it's pretty funny.

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I was very impressed hahah

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Not bad.


Noam is a really pretty name btw.

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