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My Adventure with Ketosis

Posted by Rocket, 18 September 2014 · 1280 views

diet fat weight loss
So there really isn't any other way to say this... I'm overweight and have pretty much struggled my entire life with it. I go up and down and up and down, and it's not healthy. I started The Biggest Loser Competition in hopes of having other people trying to lose weight, to help motivate myself. I did ok, but I didn't do as good as I could have and I didn't really start trying hard to lose weight until the last 2 weeks. I think I ended the competition down 6-8lbs, I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and look at the charts.


I've tried all those fad diets, tried all those supplements and pills and eating less and doing this and that and nothing has really worked for me.. Well it has and it hasn't, I give up easily because I'm lazy as fuck :/ I should also mention that I was on a certain anti-depressant that made it almost impossible for me to lose weight, but my doctor at the time didn't want to change them for whatever reason. After discussing with my new doctor (I've moved states in the past year) my issues and being thoroughly frustrated she decided to change my meds. I've been on them for a month and I can already tell that it's making a huge difference, not only in my mood but my ability to lose weight as well.

Insert the Keto Diet: I've been hearing Napiform talk about it for months now, but I really didn't know a whole lot about it. My doctor said (and I agree) that carbs are my worst enemy, my body just stores them. I'm addicted, it's my comfort food, and I always fall back on them and overeat them. So while I was looking for a new diet, I was asking people for advice and help and thoughts on what I should do. That's where I asked Napi about Keto, I've seen her results and I was really impressed. I was like "what the heck, what's the worse that can happen? I'll fail again?" but boy was I wrong. The Keto diet implements a low carb/high fat/mid protein diet, I should add that I was really skeptical at first, I mean FAT? Who wants to eat FAT?? I've been avoiding FAT in almost all my diets because well it's FAT! But after doing plenty of research and with the help of Napi's vast knowledge I realized that your body NEEDS fat to burn fat, it's science people, I promise I'm not making this up.

So this past month, with the help of new meds that wont hinder my trying to lose weight, and with this new diet, I've lost 11 lbs. I haven't been very strict and I've gone on and off a few times because CARBS (nomnomnom). I'm actually down 22lbs since I really started to lose weight. I'm aiming for 30 lbs by January (or 40lbs total). And at this point it's not out of my reach anymore. I haven't even begun to do anything extra. I have only changed my eating habits. I need to start exercising, tone some areas of my body, but I need to be able to at least walk without getting out of breath heh. Now that the weather has calmed down and it's getting cooler outside, I plan on doing 2-3 mile walks most evenings now. It's a start and it gets me off my ass :p Plus FALL IS BEAUTIFUL here <3

The HARDEST part of all this has been keeping track of what I eat and trying to get enough fat in my day and not too much protein. I'm eating around 1500-1600 calories a day and under 20g of carbs. But it's not really as hard as I thought it would be, FAT is everywhere, AND IT'S DELICIOUS! I thought cutting carbs would be hard, but honestly, fat fills you up, I'm not hungry. I've always done low calorie diets in the past and I've been starving all the time, but with the amount of fat and protein I'm eating, I'm rarely hungry. In fact I have to force myself to eat so I reach my goals each day.

The BEST part of this is: FOOD, you don't have to eat like a rabbit. I eat beef and chicken and pork and all that good stuff and even better, BUTTER! Butter has ZERO carbs WOW, I also utilize a lot of coconut oil, it's high fat and ZERO carbs and it add flavors. Most days I stay well under my 20g of carbs and they come from mostly vegetables. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, I don't even really crave carbs anymore, I mean if I want them, it's out of habit more than anything now. Another PLUS is that while I see the scale going down, my clothes are getting looser as well, I've lost a few inches and gone down a pants size (YAY!).

I know this diet isn't for everyone and that every person is different, but if you are struggling, I think this is definitely something to look into (individual results may vary). I just wanted to share my adventures in Ketosis, it's been fun and I've been trying a lot of new recipes. I'm really excited to see where this takes me and for once I'm really planning on sticking to this long term. Stay tuned, I'll continue to update my progress as it happens.

I also want to send HUGE THANK YOU's to Napiform, you've been a saint through this, with answering all my questions and concerns, I really do appreciate it!

Good for you! I just hope that you eat at least enough carbs for your brain; you need about 60grams of simple sugars so your brain doesn't erode. 60grams isn't difficult. It's like an apple, veggies and maybe some milk or a small amount of granola or peanuts.

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Good for you! I just hope that you eat at least enough carbs for your brain; you need about 60grams of simple sugars so your brain doesn't erode. 60grams isn't difficult. It's like an apple, veggies and maybe some milk or a small amount of granola or peanuts.


Yes, according to MFP I'm getting around 50g of sugars a day. 

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Congratulations on your results. When I lost a lot of weight last year I dabbled with Keto a little bit, but I was constantly mixing things up. I really need to get back into it again, as with everything I tried I probably felt the best doing Keto. I coupled it with Intermittent Fasting (either an 18/6 split or a 20/4 split) although I normally did the 20/4 split and would only consume calories between 4PM-8PM each day. It was a routine that worked well at the time, but probably wouldn't be ideal at this point in my life.

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Good for you! I just hope that you eat at least enough carbs for your brain; you need about 60grams of simple sugars so your brain doesn't erode. 60grams isn't difficult. It's like an apple, veggies and maybe some milk or a small amount of granola or peanuts.

I just wanted to elaborate on this, for anyone who does superficial googling. Keto is 20g or less of carbs, but it's really <20g net carbs. You will get enough carbs to keep your brain alive

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I just wanted to elaborate on this, for anyone who does superficial googling. Keto is 20g or less of carbs, but it's really <20g net carbs. You will get enough carbs to keep your brain alive

Isnt 20g or less the same as <20g net carbs? o.o

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Isnt 20g or less the same as <20g net carbs? o.o

now when the food has fiber in it.

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Life is so much easier when you accept fat is not the enemy. :p
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I am so happy for you!  Hmm, maybe I need to go on this diet. 

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