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Beginning Again

Posted by Nymh, 20 April 2014 · 752 views

~~Some Backstory~~
So, a while back I made the commitment to lose some weight. It worked out really well - I lost 55 pounds (having just gained 60 from having two babies in a row). I jogged 3-4 times a week and went to the gym regularly. Then I got depressed, got chronically ill, made some major life changes, and slowly stopped taking care of myself.

One of the tools that really helped me the first time around was SparkPeople.com. I logged my food, water intake and exercise daily. I took the site with me everywhere by way of their mobile app. At some point, they decided to start charging for their app, and I stopped using it. I stopped going to the site, as well. HOWEVER I just went back to the site to restart my weight loss trackers and their app is FREE AGAIN!!

I haven't used the new version of the app, so I can't testify as to how great it probably is, but the old app was amazing so I'm sure it is as well. It interfaced with your profile on the website and they had thousands of foods in their database, as well as any exercises I would care to track as well.

My referral link to the site is right here, if you want to check it out. <-- if you join using my link, I get points on my profile. This is really of no benefit to me except inflating my e-peen, like +reps here.

~~My Current Situation~~
I may have a thyroid disorder - my doctor is running a comprehensive metabolic panel to see what all is out of whack, which I should get the results of tomorrow.

I currently weigh 158 pounds, haven't jogged or exercised in about three years. I wear size 10-12 jeans.

My measurements are:
Chest: 36
Bust: 38
Waist: 32
Lower Abdomen: 41 <--- THIS is what I want to work on most of all. I despise my stomach.
Hips: 41

If all you saw was my bust/waist/hips measurement you'd probably be like "hay gurrl you got some sexy curves you're perfect ermagerd" but no. It's that sneaky FUPA that just throws it all to shit.

There are some other piddly things I am tracking on SparkPeople too like my thighs, arms, neck and crap like that but the numbers above are the major ones.

~~My Goals~~
I want to start running again, and do a half-marathon by the end of the year. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go search for one right now and sign up for it.
I want to get down to 120 pounds, or a size 6.
I want my lower abdomen measurement to be somewhere respectably BETWEEN my hip measurement and my waist measurement.
I want to feel better.
I want to think clearer. My mind has become a cotton ball of dullness lately. I am sluggish, can't think clearly and get confused way too easily. I freaking hate it.
I want to go vegan again.
I want to wake up earlier. I've gotten into a really bad habit of sleeping in until the last possible minute, then rolling out of bed and stumbling to work.

ALRIGHT I've found a race that I am going to register for - the Renfro Rock n' Run in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky. WHOOP WHOOP! :D

I should join you! To get in shape and post results I mean.

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Good luck!! I've been working on my beer gut as well... Now to actually get into a routine as opposed to doing some exercises every now and then. 

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Let's be slim together! 

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Lady I hear you! On paper I have ridiculous proportions (39-27-40), by all rights I should be a platinum blonde Jessica Rabbit, buuut I have this poochy little stomach that flares up. I've been tested for everything going, thyroid, IBS, PCOS, allergies (Ali: abusing the NHS since 1989) but nothing actually wrong, I just have to be super careful with my diet, limiting gluten and fruit juice and everything else I know that triggers it. Sigh. I've had to give up proper pasta and it kills me inside.


The good thing is you know that lots of what you want is related and that a bit of exercise and cleaning up your diet will make you feel better and help you sleep and clear your mind. Huzzah! Don't fixate on the numbers too much though - your body behaves differently at different times of your life, I'm not the lightest I've ever been by a good half stone or so but I'm probably the slimmest.


Super proud of you! :)

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