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Well, that was.... weird. :) For your entertainment! lol

Posted by Prisca, 08 October 2014 · 941 views

Well, i took a nap, and who should appear in my dream? Keil.. as a girl, obsessed with fish. :)


We met out somewhere, and were getting along well. I was still trying to get my head around calling keil "VALE" (yes vale). I knew she were @keil from codex, but my dream didn't tell me that he was a boy, i was convinced he was a girl.

We went to my place, Vale was dropping me home. It was night time (y'all with your heads in the gutter can pinch yourselves lol), i invited her in.. i was all like "Just for one second, you can see my fish, i need to grab something". She came to the front door. She was SUPER excited about seeing all the fish and wanted to feed them. It made me nervous just in case she decided that i was not a good fish owner and judged me.

We opened my front door into a 'lazy river' that swirled around the aquarium. The water was rough, so we decided to swim around instead of let the tide take us (lol). We got to the back of the house and i showed Vale the first set of fish. She marveled at them and i gave her some fish flakes. She fed the fish and exclaimed over the beauty of the 'sucker fish'. We decided that we had better get back, after all Vale was sleepy. We swam back around the lazy river and came to my sisters room (who was absent), i told Vale she took take a quick nap before we saw the rest of the fish. Vale agreed and fell asleep.

While Vale was sleeping i raced around all excited like! "OH BOY! I hope we can be friends, i hope she likes me" i though. I started playing soft classical music, hoping that it was her favorite... it was, and it woke her up.

We set out to see the rest of the fish and swam across the stream. Vale once again marveled at their glorious fishiness lol, and fed some more fish. Things were going very well. I could tell Vale and i were going to be awesome friends, which was super exciting since i don't make awesome friends too easily and Vale was my first close friend from Codex! :)

It wasn't long before Vale was tired again, from feeding all those fish i imagine, but i really wanted to show her my komodo dragon (because you know, i had one). So i dragged her by the arm, past my sisters bed (which was just chilling in the living room lol) where Vale collapsed. I knew she would be too tired for any more excitement.

When Vale awoke from her nap, i gave her a snack, she fed the fish one more time and left for home.

I was very happy that she came by, i knew we were going to be great friends (if i hadn't scared her with my over friendliness/excitement) and was even more excited to have made a friend from neocodex.

Then i woke up.

My dream reasoning-
Fish/Aquarium- not a clue. i don't have any fish, havent seen one in a while either.
Fish Food- perhaps i was hungry
Keil- have been thinking about the murder mystery, must have remembered him from there.
Vale- TC pronouncing names, someone mentioned 'vale' for keil.
Girl?- Well, i'll be honest, i don't think that keil being a girl had anything to do with the fact that it was keil. my brain is well trained lol and would not invite a man (beside my one true love and various family members) over late at night, so probably just invited a woman over lol, unfortunate for keil :p - ideal for friend making lol.
Lazi River- well, i have been thinking about Jumanji recently, you know the monsoon scene?! It was similar to that.

Well i hope you enjoyed my dream. :)

Here are some little extras for your enjoyment-

Meet 'Vale'-
Posted Image

My 'house'-
Posted Image
Blue- water/lazy river
Fish- they are where the fish were. We visited the back first, then the fish at the front of the center aquarium
Bed- Where Vale took her naps
Grey rooms- just unused rooms that existed.
** the front door is where the water begins before the bed (starting at the wall).


To be completely fair, people said I have very good birthing hips, but sadly I'm only a little less than an A cup.


And I do like fish o.o

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Hahaha gotta love dreams, they are the best entertainment! :)

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The only dream I can remember recently was a nightmare about these creatures like spiders but worse. It was the night before my last exam as well...

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