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Apparently I'm gay now.

Posted by Mishelle, 12 June 2013 · 1019 views

So I'm in LA for the summer and I've been staying with my grandma for the most part but my mom called me and asked if I would watch my brother for the weekend while she went to Vegas. Her boyfriend had to work and go to meetings over the weekend so she needed someone to look after him during the day because he has autism and someone has to be there to supervise him. I told her cool, not a problem. I had no idea exactly what I was getting into, not even with my brother, with her boyfriend who is a piece of fucking work.

First he has a problem with my hair:

Him: Why do you wear your hair like that? Do you comb your hair? You're going to have trouble finding a job with your hair like that, you should straighten it. I saw your pictures from your birthday where you had a weave it looked so nice, why don't you wear more weaves?
Me: Because I want to. Yes I do. I already have a job, you can stop now. I don't want to. I look good no matter what I do with my hair, BYE HATER.

And this was just on the ride to the apartment, this is going to be a long weekend...

Apparently when I agreed to come over here it wasn't just to supervise. I'm supposed to be a babysitter, maid, cook hybrid. I wake up in the morning "what are you cooking us for breakfast?" "Did you make lunch?" "What are you cooking us for dinner?" "Did you vacuum?" "Did you do the dishes?" "Did you wash the clothes?"

If I knew I had to be molly the maid I would've asked for more money.

This is ridiculous. Usually around breakfast time my brother isn't even up yet because he's a teenage boy and sleeps til 12 like the rest of em. I don't even eat breakfast I'll usually have some fruit or something because I never have much of an appetite when I wake up. But to be nice, I say you know what, I'll cook you breakfast what do you want?

"I want eggs, bacon, toast, grits, sausage and orange juice."

And when I cook it he doesn't even get it himself he expects me to bring it to him and when he's done he doesn't even wash the plate he puts it in the sink with all the food still stuck on it! I just want to kill him because he's fucking annoying and I hate him!
But yeah about me being gay. That was hilarious.

Him: Do you plan on getting married and having kids?
Me: I don't know, I don't really think about that kind of stuff honestly. I'm focusing on school and graduating right now.
Him: You're not gay are you?
Me: You think I'm gay?
Him: Well I never hear you talking about marriage or kids and you have a lot of gay friends. I was just wondering.
Me: No, I'm not gay.
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We didn't talk much throughout the rest of the weekend, thankfully, except for him giving me shit for not liking basketball. (He's such a bitch) Finally my mom comes back and she's up shit's creek. She drove her car to Vegas even though the mechanic told her not to and the car broke down in Vegas. She parked the car at her friends house and left it in Vegas, she drove a rental car home instead and said when she has the money she'll get it fixed. Her friend even offered to get it fixed and drive it back down here from Vegas. Tony completely EXPLODES. He screams at her telling her to borrow money from someone and get the car back right away, and how stupid she is and all this other really verbally abusive stuff. So I completely go off on him because that's my mom and she's really sensitive. I've honestly never heard any man say the kinds of things he said and it was completely vile. He finally apologized and came home and tried to act like nothing happened. I'm still mad about it.

So my mom doesn't have a car, her friend who is male offers to give her a ride back home from where she has to drop the rental car off. Apparently, Tony has spies who watch my mother's every move and they told him about how some man dropped her off at home and how she was wearing these short white shorts. The shorts were fine! She even asked me if the shorts were ok and I thought they looked good on her. It's been over 100 degrees AND humid here, if she wants to wear shorts she should be able to wear some damn shorts THIS IS AMERICA. So yeah I had a talk with my mom and told her that she needs to break up with this guy. He's an asshole and he belongs in a cave somewhere. She agreed but the problem is they're both stuck in a lease til October/November. I need to go back to my grandma's soon because I cannot handle his ignorance and I will cut him.

i didnt read it do u have a tldr? 

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LOL!!!! wtf he sounds like a complete douche~!


puts u in SUCH an awkward place because its your moms boyfriend.... but seriously!!!!!!!! she needs to get away from that jerk!!crazay

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LOL!!!! wtf he sounds like a complete douche~!


puts u in SUCH an awkward place because its your moms boyfriend.... but seriously!!!!!!!! she needs to get away from that jerk!!crazay


It hurt to read this :/

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I don't understand how you have the patience to deal with him to begin with.
I would've cut him already.

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if it hurt so bad take a tylenol :)

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What kind of autism does he have?

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He's been diagnosed with high-functioning autism. 

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My brother is autistic too.

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He's not a man then. Men treat the special women in their life with love and respect.


Also, even if you were gay, who cares. I have many gay friends. Sure, the disney overload can be a bit much sometimes, but that's the worst of it.


You brother's family, just gotta put up with it. I'm not saying you've gotta wait on him, he can have cereal. At that age, my momma did everything for me, too, which is probably why he expects it from you.

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Silver, I'm pretty sure Mishelle was referring to her mom's asshole hopefully soon to be ex-boyfriend.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay it's just so pants on head stupid to me that there are still people on this planet who think that just because I don't have my entire future revolving around marriage and kids that I must be some kind of man hating feminist lesbian.

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I didn't intend to insinuate that you had anything against gays. My bad if it came off that way!


I know more than a few people who don't want to get married, and even more that don't want children.


Power to you Mishelle for dancing to your own drum!

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June 2024


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