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Outgrowing and Quitting Neopets

Posted by Keil, 08 November 2013 · 1577 views


Okay, hear me out. Please don't jump to conclusions too quickly. Also, I'm not trying to deter you from playing Neopets, but I just want to know your thoughts.

So it has been about 3 months since I "quit neopets". When I say quit, I do not spend more than 20 minutes a day there anymore. Lately, I've been offline for days at a time. Even new NC items don't excite me anymore. When I was truly addicted, I spent 1-2 hours a day there IF I HAD THE SELF-CONTROL to limit myself. Now, I feel so impassioned for the game to the point where I am not compelled to do dailies anymore. Even with the recent Catacombs and Meth Flowers events, I don't spend more than 10 minutes of the before resorting to a program if one existed for that particular event. Of course, I still AB and cheat just for fun and to BD other people and get some sort of satisfaction. Recently, the only reason why I spend more than 20 minutes a day in neopets is to start trading away NP on tumblr and it requires effort to auction the unbuyables at low prices and setting small profit unbuyables as 99999.

I consider truly quitting Neopets as in not having the will to be active in the guilds boards, tendency to not complete at least 30% of the site events, and most of all: stop lurking there. Cutting off ties completely is too much of a expectation to consider really quitting.

I just feel the like sense of wonder that I experienced when I was younger is no longer obtainable and it's not because I learned that everything occurs at a rate or there is a guide for everything. I don't find myself thinking after a long day of class: I have to do my dailies and fight in the Cosmic Dome until I get all 15 items. I'm at the point that if my current build-up main (I make new mains until they get frozen because I like rebuilding) or my 11 year main gets frozen, I wouldn't bother filing a ticket. Sure, I would be disappointed with the years of effort disappearing and over 3 rows of site event trophies gone, but it's now just a relic that has no useful value for me in the future. I considered selling it, but I feel that either I should be the one keeping it or get it frozen since there are memories in it that are of true worth to me alone.

Don't worry about me quitting NeoCodex. People here entertain me unlike the buttcrunch of brown-nosers inside the game. Unlike the actual site, I've met people here who I have learned to love more than just admiring a userlookup chock full of trophies or an avatar. I'm happy that I'm spending my idle time here because despite the differences in opinion and the developing sense of compromise, tolerance, control, and understanding that people have yet to learn, you are all real to me as if you are sitting with in a booth with me at the local tavern, drinking God knows what. Even if I do quit Neopets 100%, I'll still hang here. You're all worth the time.

Don't you have a thread up looking to buy accounts right this second?

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I need multiple mains to sell Neopoints through. It's the least I can do to maximize the safety of my buyers and make them feel better that 10m+ NP's aren't coming directly from a obviously bought attic shell with trophies that were obtained from programs like the Altador Plot and Cheat. That's another reason why my buyers don't get frozen. TNT won't easily catch mains giving items than shells that have nothing in them BUT obviously ABed items.

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I'm at the same point with neopets as you are. I've been playing on and off since the site came out, and there's no excitement except for when I sell someone a g-bomb. I've lost all motivation to participate in any sort of events as the prizes are sub-par compared to old events. The allure of neopets is long passed =/

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Yea that's how i feel about the whole thing too, but to keep up the whole image of monotony i just picture neopets as a massive GTA stimulator where you go out there and catch as much stuff without getting caught by the cops

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Things stopped getting fun quickly after I felt like I had beat the game.

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I'd say we've only gotten older, but Neopets has changed as well. Or, maybe we realized cheating isn't nearly as badass as we thought.
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"People here entertain me unlike the buttcrunch of brown-nosers inside the game."


This statement you made is too true (I cannot stand the folks who actually sit on their butts ALL DAMN DAY and literally seem not to budge from their computers in order to just kiss butt constantly on the boards..are they sitting on Porta-Potties or something?). Although I enjoy Neopets, I find myself spending more time playing my fave Steam games anymore, plus checking in here. I'm only rather peeved that I didn't actually engage here sooner, as Codexians are the bees knees. :)

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