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Henry And The Glove

Posted by Irradium, 14 September 2014 · 800 views

glove henry bog nudes napi nudes
Let me start this entry off by telling you all about my, ahem, 'friend' Henry.

Henry is a blonde, sporty guy who works hard, and can be a nice person sometimes, when he's not alienating everybody by being an asshole to them. I've tried to like this guy, and I have done - I didn't see why everyone else disliked him - until we were having an argument about binary/different bases, and he was a real jerk, trying to tell me, quite rudely, I'm wrong... me, the guy who knows 3 programming languages. (i.e. I know my shit, he doesn't.)

Yeah, okay Henry. Whatever you say man.

And there was a time when I was gaily skipping past him in the corridor, on the way to a Further Maths lesson, and I said something like "C'mon Henry, let's get to Maths! :D ", and I got an extremely condescending reply, which went something like "alright Russell, go on then". I CLOWN AROUND TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY, NOT TO GET A RESPONSE LIKE THAT.

Anyway, I guess the point is that Henry is a complete jag-off, and has few friends. I don't have the energy to hate/dislike him, I can't do that for anyone, but I'm aware that he can be a douchebag.

Henry is also a biker, which is where the glove comes in:


This is also where we meet another one my 'friends' - most people, myself included, call him Gandy - who is also an asshole, but also somewhat charming and fun to be with, most days. He is the most charming, childish asshole you'll ever meet.

Anyway, he managed to slip that glove inside my bass guitar bag on the last day of school... which means that Henry had to go with a glove for about 6 weeks, I mean, he had another, older, pair he could use, and I've tried to be straight up with him about it, telling him it's not my fault - or, at least, not my immediate fault - but I can quite easily tell he hates me for it.

Now, not only does that show off how spiteful Gandy can be towards people he doesn't like, but it also give Henry a rather raw deal, and Gandy gets off pretty much scot free from any kind of comeuppance. And when I talked to Gandy about it, he said he wasn't going to admit it, and told me, to my face, that it's all my fault, and he'll vehemently deny doing it. The sheer fucking audacity of that statement make my blood boil.

So, the point of the story is that Henry's an asshole, Gandy is an asshole - in fact, hardly anybody I know, especially the guys I know, has any kind of degree of emotional maturity and compassion, for that matter - so, fuck everyone. Peace out.

(Okay, so, that was a melodramatic conclusion, but people have the capacity to be huge arseholes. Sometimes. Most times they're good people. :3 )

you are really stressed about having that glove. just throw it out.

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@Boggart I already gave him back the glove! :p But it's still bloody annoying having to deal with these sorts of situations. This kind of thing shouldn't happen!

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Hope you can get out of that issue! good luck! c:

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