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A tiny quiz! No relevance to your answers whatsoever!

Posted by Keil, 28 September 2014 · 1545 views

Here's a quiz about how I think about you in the most hypothetical and nonsensical sense. If you don't care what I think about you, feel free to throw a bitch fest in the comments below saying how much you don't care.

Please refer to the title for clarification and for any and all inquiries.

I give you two choices per fill-in. There is no middle answer. Pick the answer that best reflects you or your opinion. There are five (5) questions.

This quiz has no ulterior motives. None whatsoever. Scout's Honor.

Question 1: The bigger evil resides within ________.
A. The Individual

B. The Nation


I don't think I expected my outcome.

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Quite interesting, sir.

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Apparently I'm your best friend.

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Apparently I'm your best friend.

I got the same. xD

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I took a quick look through the other paths and you always get that if you answer "To annihilate Humanity once and for all is to pervade Liberation"


I feel cheated.

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I'm your best friend too, I guess.

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Apparently I'm not boring.  That's good, right?

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Not boring means I would call you to hit the clubs with a group of friends.

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You are my new best friend. I want to spend time privately exchanging serious and probing topics with you and you only. I fear a third party in one of our discussions would meld away your originally gritty and brilliant ideas into common and easy and more despairingly: boring banter. I wouldn't mind going to a Starbucks, Seattle's Best, or Dunkin Donuts with you and just talk. Just thinking of a possible intellectual rendezvous with you gets me all fired up. Shoot me a PM with a multidimensional question and see what happens.

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Guess I'm your new best friend, cool quiz!

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You are my new best friend. I want to spend time privately exchanging serious and probing topics with you and you only. I fear a third party in one of our discussions would meld away your originally gritty and brilliant ideas into common and easy and more despairingly: boring banter. I wouldn't mind going to a Starbucks, Seattle's Best, or Dunkin Donuts with you and just talk. Just thinking of a possible intellectual rendezvous with you gets me all fired up. Shoot me a PM with a multidimensional question and see what happens.



So many people getting the same answer :p

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You are my new best friend. I want to spend time privately exchanging serious and probing topics with you and you only. I fear a third party in one of our discussions would meld away your originally gritty and brilliant ideas into common and easy and more despairingly: boring banter. I wouldn't mind going to a Starbucks, Seattle's Best, or Dunkin Donuts with you and just talk. Just thinking of a possible intellectual rendezvous with you gets me all fired up. Shoot me a PM with a multidimensional question and see what happens.


Pretty cool!

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