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Hand Print Turkeys, Cornucopias and All that Jazz

Posted by Keil, 20 November 2014 · 842 views

My school has an NRHH chapter and they decided to do an appreciation mural that is ongoing until after Thanksgiving break. On it, students or faculty or anyone really can take a leaflet, write the person’s name whom they want to appreciate and a sentence or two describing how they positively impacted their lives or why they are thankful of them and stick it on the wall. Their goal is to surpass 1000 leaflets by the first week of December. Being an alum of NRHH of a different school’s chapter, this inspired me to do a bit of appreciation in my own way.

This is a list of fifteen (and increasing) different people from Codex who I really appreciate. I left all the names out because I can only imagine the egos I would inflate and some things are really personal. They will know it’s them when they read it.


1. After I disappeared for a while, they did some research using my real name and checked the obituaries of local newspapers around my location if I died. They even found my Facebook (which doesn’t even have my full name). I was more happy than creeped out.

2. They purposely became the devil’s advocate against two different parties in order to solidify their relationships by becoming the common enemy. Although I don’t approve of their self-destructive means to their goal, I am forever grateful to their dedication.

3. For being that one person who admitted to me that I’m not a cunning, manipulative, or calculating person by nature. Instead, they realized I’m just an asshole who seems to dissect peoples’ mind because I genuinely want to know more about people. They're wrong. But I'm thankful they thought positively of me.

4. They took the time to uphold the rules that can be easily looked over. They has a lot of virtue and persistence. I hope I can emulate half of their character. As such, I decided to take time for myself in order to focus on myself and my own needs.

5. This person really pulled their life together from a slump I can never imagine recovering from, myself. They shared their life of drastic changes and although there are times of weakness, I see so much strength in them everyday. They’re my hero.

6. Their random jokes always made me laugh and it lightened the mood when everything in front of us had nothing but seriousness, problems, issues, etc.. Their smile makes the mood so much better during those times.

7. The long chains of PM’s with this person are really memorable even though I recall nothing. I can’t remember what we said in the recent month, but it made me good every time they replied.

8. I stand strong when I say they should be a television writer. They are so talented in a very certain genre and audience. I love reading their work so much even though I am not into that certain style.

9. This person hides behind a mask, but when their personal self is revealed to a select few, I find them to be a truly beautiful human being. Also consider that I read a lot and bitch a lot about what I hate most in life (people) and for me to say something like that for a person takes a lot of me.

10. For the longest time, I thought this person was a social shut in, but after knowing them a bit better, they are actually an inviting person and are really talkative and funny. Their Facebook is open 24/7. I would talk with them endlessly but I don’t ever go on Facebook.

11. I can’t be thankful for this person who shares all the same interests as I. In my school right now, everyone is so serious about their education and their recreational time is either novel writing/philosophy, punk/alternative garage bands, or drawing birds. It’s such a refresher to find someone who loves the same games as I play and isn't ashamed to talk about it.

12. This person commits so much time and effort to things most people most likely never even notice at first sight. If I were not a moderator and already knew the inner workings of Codex, I would have never noticed their consistent work. To this day, I occasionally check on their updates and smile a bit from what they write.

13. Point blank: They’re the butt of many Codex jokes. They have a massive amount of character just to laugh it off.

14. They bring out the more vulnerable and personal side out of everyone; people are less of a stranger because of them. They do it in the most chill and effortless way.

15. They, intentionally or unintentionally, make me more conscious of my writing and pay more attention to the hidden messages behind people. They also spur more activity in Codex. What a weird combination.

I’ll add more later after observations.

I am thankful for you, not only because of your moderator duties, but because you help me see things in a way I didn't see them before. We often have opposing views (I'm sure you don't realize it, because I don't post my views,) but once you post yours, I see the way other people could see things more logically. (did that even make sense? whatever.)
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I get the feeling #13 could refer to me.

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13. Point blank: They’re the butt of many Codex jokes. They have a massive amount of character just to laugh it off.

Aww yesssssssss

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I know who number 1 is about *whistles*
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