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Fb Rant

Posted by Prisca, 19 December 2014 · 776 views

Rah. I think people want to make a difference in the world. They see bad things and dislike them, so want everyone to feel the same way and 'see the error of their ways', or they see good things and decide 'everyone now needs to see that there is good in the world.' Lovely.

I am getting rather annoyed with the pluthra of bipolar posts appearing on my news feed (i know, there are a million ways for me to fix this, thanks for all your suggestions). A disaster occurs, people respond, then people respond to peoples response. Fb, just let the news be news. If everyone did a good job loving one another in the first place most everyone surely wouldnt feel the need to plaster their fb with how supportive they are to 'help groups' and how opinionated they are about justice and how much of a big band wagoner they are. blah! Every time one of these posts (excuse the vagueness as i don't have an example that wont offend someone), i am further convinced that the poster is trying to make a point that their day to day lives doesnt. Isnt that hypocrisy? don't get me wrong, we love band wagoners dont we? especially if its for a good cause!! I can appreciate news, if something happens, sure post an article, notify me... maybe, my fb friends may find it hard to believe, but i don't actually hold them accountable for my daily news. Oh boy, i just blew some minds. lol.

I won't even talk about the hundreds of sentimental status' that appear at all the right times (and all at once i might add), but i have an opinion about them as well.

If my friends don't know my position/opinion/thoughts on a current event, then i am not talking to them enough, or it isnt relevant (which is quite often the case). We could talk about drumming up support and how valuable that is, but i just feel it would be more meaningful if people all over the world knew they were supported without having to read fb feeds to affirm them. We rush to fill these 'love holes' because they exist, and sadly people get glory and praise for doing so. I feel that it is pathetic that the support is even lacking in the first place.

But bleh, that is just my opinion. I have finished my rant.

Sorry if this post is vague or doesnt make sense, or is too far out of context. but ya know when like there is a big bad storm and suddenly there are 10k articles about how bad it was (to make us all feel super sad), then another 10k of positive ones (because now we feel too sad), then another billion about supporting the community (which is great, i am all for that, but it would be awesome if the first article about the disaster summoned that response, and no further articles were even needed).

circles, i am blabbing in circles... poofing now. :)

I understand your struggles with both rejecting and being entertained by social media and how people (and companies) choose to use it.

To play devil's advocate: Is it really so bad that Facebook has created an interface with which millions of people feel comfortable enough to have their 'love holes' filled through? (lol. sorry.) It's totally human to seek affirmation when we're unsure, to want praise when we're proud of something we've done, to feel like we're rallying support when we find a cause we care about. Sure, Facebook is a weird place to do it and it feels weird, but it's also totally new in the context of the entire history of human communication. We're all just trying this shit out for the first time together, as a species. It's crazy. Nobody knows how to handle it, not even the companies creating the platforms we're using to communicate.

For now, it's all up to your personal interpretation and what you want out of social media and the people you know through them. I for one decided to break it off with Facebook, but maybe I'll activate my account again one day, who knows. Maybe Facebook will be gone in 50 years and something better will come along.

Anyway, I relate. :)

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