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Cold As Ice

Posted by Mishelle, 19 December 2014 · 706 views

Today I went to LA with Willie, Brandon and Laura (yes Willie and I are friends again) and on the way back we got stuck in traffic. Laura was super tired so we started talking just to keep her awake and we got on the topic of love. She was talking about relationships and break ups and she asked me who I was talking to. I've been talking to a few guys but Im a terrible person so it never ends well.I was talking to this guy named Jeffrey, we met and exchanged numbers and he asked me out on a date. I told him I would. Hours before we were supposed to hang out he cancelled on me. I stopped returning his texts after that. Yes I know that's petty, but that's all it takes for me to lose interest in a guy. It could be anything, it could be completely stupid but once I stop giving a shit I can't help but forget you exist. Then I went on a date with this guy named Chris. We went to the movies and it was the most boring date I'd ever been on. We got out of the movie and walked around for a bit and he talked about the book he was reading for 30 minutes and then wanted to read the book to me even though I told him I'd already read it. I made up a stupid excuse to go home. I told him I just wanted to be friends but I knew he had no intention of just being my friend, we haven't talked since then. I was also talking to a guy named Matt but he had a problem. When we were face to face he was very sweet and polite. He was a likeable guy. But texting he was awful. He would only text me about sex, he would ask me if I was horny, if I wanted pictures and shit like that. I told him it made me uncomfortable it was too soon for that. He would apologize but then slowly but surely start trying to steer the conversation back to sex. That's when I realized Matthew did not respect me or my boundaries so Matthew had to go. I got rid of him. Also Gay Chris from work still bugs me to go on dates with him, but we all know I don't fuck with him.

Then theres Cody and I know I'm going to ruin this. I don't know how or when but I know it's going to happen. Cody moved back to Alabama in February when he got out of the marines. Before that he lived in Oceanside and we were hanging out on and off for 9 months. Not really hanging out more like fucking. Like we hung out and stuff but either before or after included fucking. We texted a couple times after he moved but then we just stopped. It was expected, distance really fucks up a relationship and it wasn't a relationship it was just fucking. Then out of nowhere he started texting me constantly saying he missed me and he missed talking to me. Then after we were talking for a while he said he wanted to fly back out here to see me.

Laura thinks it's super romantic that he wants to fly back and that means he must have feelings or something. I don't think its romantic, I think it's dumb and a waste of money to fly all the way to California to fuck someone. This is my problem, why can't I look at the bright side of anything? Why can't I just accept a sweet guesture? It's been a long time since I last got laid I should he thankful. But I'm not thankful I could take it or leave it tbh. I told Cody he can come if he wants to but he's not staying at my fucking house. I have two cats and he's allergic to cats, and i don't want him to like expect me to cook and shit because he's there. Ain't nobody got time for that. The tickets are booked so I guess we'll see how this goes.

Wiill I ever love another man as much as I love Beyoncé?
Probably not.

Find a man to be the Hov to your Queen B.

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Aww lol It's okay to be a negative nancy. My husband is very much the same way and I am the polar opposite and somehow we found each other and the way we balance one another out is awesome. You need to find a guy that thinks the world shits rainbows, just trust me. 

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Youre in the same exact situation I am, but with dudes trying to smash..
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Youre in the same exact situation I am, but with dudes trying to smash..

Hot girls, we're just like you. Hot girls we have problems too.
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Hot girls, we're just like you. Hot girls we have problems too.


Except we're hot hot hot hot...

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