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First day on the job, already want to cut a bitch.

Posted by Mishelle, 26 January 2015 · 641 views

JFC why are old people so afraid of change? It's absolutely ridiculous how some people get when it comes to changing things even if it's for the better.

When I did my walk-through last week with Kathryn she told me that the Java City display case was a hot ass fucking mess. Not those exact words but strongly implied it. And it was a mess. It had like 3 random candy bars, some random baked goods. Chips racks that were cluttering up register space and it just looked messy. Most people didn't even look twice at is because there was no kind of order and no one has time to scan through a giant mess to see if they find something they like.

My main job goal for right now is to increase product variety at each location but to also display the products in a cute, clean professional manner. The plan-o-grams at every location are either missing or out of date so I have to re-do every single plan-o-gram or people will just stock whatever the hell they feel like however the hell they feel like doing it. Which usually results in a hot ass fucking mess.

I planned to stock each and every location myself, take a picture to create a plan-o-gram to show them exactly how their displays should look and exactly what products they should be stocking. They don't have to do any work, I'm doing all the work. All these bitches have to do is let me do my fucking job and follow the damn picture.

Teri is the manager of Java City and I do value her input because she has worked there for years. However, she doesn't know shit about marketing. So I told her I wanted to take the chip racks off the counter because not only are they clutter but it's a hazard. If that thing falls down it could hurt somebody. She lights into me about how much she sells chips and how she needs the chips. You can only fit maybe 10 bags of chips at a time in the chip rack, tops. So if you're selling so many chips why do you have so few stocked? And she has an entire row in the display case where It's just a random basket with a Mounds bar, a pack of Junior Mints, a stick of Starbursts, and two protein bars.

Bitch....what the fuck is this? No seriously, what are you doing here? We have so much space in this case and she's not even using it and yet she's claiming that she sells a lot of this stuff. I find it hard to believe you sell a lot of stuff if you stock so little of it. Unless she's going back and forth grabbing 5 random candy bars every 10 minutes. But I did value her input and I did try to meet in the middle with what Teri wanted and what Kathyrn wanted. And yet as soon as I kept trying to fix the pastry case Teri wouldn't let me take anything out of it. I'm trying to explain to her that I'm not just going to take the shit out and leave it bare. I'm taking certain things out so I can fit in more products in a more cohesive visually pleasing way. I'm trying to make the pastry case not look like a dollar store bargain bin clusterfuck. I made it seem like I was just going to go with what she had there but really I was just waiting until she clocked out for the day. As soon as she did I re-did that entire fucking pastry case and it looked immaculate. The night crew at Java City loved it. I asked them which products they sell the most of and I made a point to stock a variety of those products rather than just a mish mosh of random shit grabbed from storage. I took the candy out because it was pointless and Junior Mints are gross. I stocked a ton of chips in that entire area so I could take the chip baskets down where they wouldn't fall on someone's head. When I was trying to work with Teri it took me an hour and a half. After she left it took me all of 30 mins to do what i needed to do.

I planned to get at least 2-3 locations done that day but because Teri was giving me so much static now I have 3 more locations that I need to re-do plan-o-grams for. I'm hoping that this is the most difficult one and everyone else will be more receptive because I will not hesitate to cut an old broad and send her ass into early retirement. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with people about my job that I've studied for years for. And it's not like I just walk up to them and tell them that I know what's best, and everything I do is the right way. I do take their opinion into consideration. I do ask them what are the trends at their location and I try to work with these trends but also integrate my marketing perspective. But some of these people are just so adverse to change because they've been doing it a certain way for so many years. To them the very thought of changing something for the better is taken as a threat to their way of life. It's absolutely ridiculous. Once I finished the pastry case it looked better, it looked full, and way more people were stopping to look at it. I was also able to stock more product and offer an even wider variety than what was originally in there which will result in more sales. Teri aint trying to hear that tho.

I was really nice to her because she's old but idk how much more of this I can take and it's just my first day. I'm just going to dig deep, find my inner Olivia Pope and shut down any old raggedy bitch who wants to get in the way of me changing this place for the better.

Oh man there's nothing I hate more than stubborn people standing in the way of positive change. And especially when it comes to marketing and all that psychological shit with store layout and all that, I ain't even tryin to pretend that's easy. People think they know just as good as research, that it's all subjective and they're the authority. Fuck that shit

dollar store bargain bin clusterfuck.

LOL ice cold burn


I'm just going to dig deep, find my inner Olivia Pope and shut down any old raggedy bitch who wants to get in the way of me changing this place for the better. 

Amen to that. You go girl. It sounds like you're already handling it like a pro anyway.

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