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Coming Soon to the Real Housewives of Tuscaloosa

Posted by Mishelle, 03 May 2015 · 704 views

I have the worst commitment issues. Some days I do want to get into a relationship and settle down, but then I'll wake up the next morning and be like "Fuck that, I'm so much happier by my damn self." This becomes a problem in my relationships because I tend to go from "I really like you, lets cuddle" to "Don't you have friends? Don't you have somewhere to be? Get out of my face."

I'm working on not doing that. It's a process.

So the last time I blogged about Cody we were arguing because he refused to understand the plight of Black men and women in America. This isn't surprising news to me because he's a White man in America. As a woke Black woman, this caused a lot of head butting between us. But then after we would fight he would text me saying that he didn't want to fight over these things. Me being the person I am, can't let shit go, I would start the argument back up again because he needs to realize that he's wrong.

Like I said. I'm a work in progress.

Posted Image

So after not talking for a good two weeks he texts me randomly saying "I miss you," and I missed him too. We ended up Facetiming during my morning wake n bake. He wanted to show me how fat he got since the last time I saw him. I told him how I was graduating college on the 15th, finally. He tells me that he's working a lot but he's making a lot of money so it's a good trade off. He basically offers to pay me $800 a month to do his online college work for him. I told him yes I'd fucking do it. I've been doing people's online college work for years and not making nearly as much.

Then he goes "Why don't you just move in with me, fuck me and do my college and I'll put you name on all my accounts." I started laughing because I thought he was joking.

Him: I'm serious. I know it sounds like prostitution, but it's not as bad because I also want to use your mind.

Me: Posted Image

I literally rofled. I rolled on the floor and laughed. It does sound like prostitution, but it also sounds like a marriage. But he lives in Alabama and that state is gross. No disrespect to any readers who live in Alabama but your state is gross.

He told me he really wanted me to think about it so I did, and I made a list of pros and cons.

Money (I have to start repaying my student loans in 6 months)
Lower cost of living
I've been wanting to leave California anyway
I can choose any degree program I want so the work will be ridiculously easy
He's constantly working so he'll be gone most of the time anyway
Even though Cody got fat he could still eat the booty like groceries

Living in Alabama
Breathing in Alabama
Existing in Alabama
Surviving in Alabama
Being an interracial couple in Alabama

Then I realize one huge con that's really important. Cody is allergic to cats, and he has two dogs. That means I probably wouldn't be able to bring Eevee with me. So that was the end of that discussion. I'm keeping my ass here. But I told him I would still be willing to do his college work for him and get paid because I have student loans and rent. The struggle is real, but you won't see me Real Housewives of Alabama anytime soon.

Post to be!
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