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Why me

Posted by Camburger, 23 June 2015 · 580 views

Just a random entry tonight i suppose

I don't know how to "blog" necessarily, i'm kinda treating it as a diary in a sense but without my deepest darkest secrets :p
Currently in Indiana for a few reasons. One, for family. Two, to explore the world and find out what the real world has in store for me. Three, to help my aunt and her daughter with down syndrome move out to California.

I love my family, not only in the loving family type of way but also in the "i could stand to be around you people" kinda sense. Which there are not many people i love like that.
So far my exploring has been unsuccessful, i have found myself lying in bed typing away on codex while i have the opportunity to be out and about but its vacation, i do what i want.
Now helping my aunt move is something i am REALLY not looking forward to even though i have the simplest job. I get to fly my cousin and their puppy out to California. Simple right? WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! I don't understand why i chose to do this. For those who dont get why, let me put it this way, i would rather driven a moving truck from Indiana to California sitting next to my big fat ugly smelly uncle and my big fat ugly bald headed dad (if my uncle or dad ever read this i don't mean it, i love you guys) rather than fly to California with my down syndrome cousin and their down syndrome puppy.

And im tired of typing now :/

What's wrong with Downs Syndrome people? I happen to know a LOT of people with it and they're probably the happiest people in the world, ALWAYS. Barely a bad bone in their bodies :/


I'm hoping it's something else other than just the disability.

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Me too, strat. I can understand if you haven't been around them or some sort of perceived social stigma. But they are people too, and just need help in this world. I am glad you went to help them. It is very admiral for you to do something to help them out no matter if they were family or not. You might learn more from the experience then if you never went at all. Keep an open mind. :)
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What Strat said. I really don't see why mention that they have Down's Syndrome. There's nothing wrong with it.

In middle school, there was a 40-year-old guy in my class. He had Down's Syndrome. It was scary at first, I was 10 when I first met him, we didn't know how to deal with him. Time has passed, and 4 years later, last year of middle school, everyone was friends with him.

If your relatives aren't like that, it's probably not because of the disability.
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i was too lazy to type more, it s not the fact that she has downs syndrome its just the fact that she is one of those that can be very difficult at times. She never talks to people other than her mother. She doesn't do anything for people other than her mother. She doesn't listen to people other than her mother. Don't get me wrong, i love the girl, but she is just going to be difficult to handle alone on a plane for 5 hours. This is all part of the reason my aunt is moving to California too, for my cousin to get time away from my aunt so she isnt so dependent on her (my cousin is 18 now btw) 


Trust me, i love her, i just dont know how well this plane ride is going to go lol


@Strategist @Megazord @Swarley

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