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What kind of jobs can a person with tourettes get? Btw, I'm not discriminating, this questions been floating in my mind for some time now.
Apr 17 2011 03:14 AM
  • Boggart's Photo
    My principal had tourettes. He never swore out in public, and he even made speeches all the time. But you could see that in the backgroudn and in assemblies, he would be twitching like crazy.
    Apr 17 2011 09:00 AM
  • Kat's Photo
    Most people that have tourette's don't actually have cursing twitches like you see on TV (and that internet dude) but actually just "tics" and twitches.. and they can usually lead a perfectly normal life if they can keep it under control with the right treatment
    Apr 17 2011 09:20 AM
  • CuriousOyster's Photo
    Now I understand why they put those people on TV instead of the people with the "common" tics. I hate television.
    Apr 17 2011 02:58 PM