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Starting on Abrosia. Am I correct in that the MS Pre-haggle setting is the amount of time spent between a refresh and clicking on the item, and OCR is the amount of time spent on the haggle page? Thanks.
Mar 16 2011 08:53 AM
  • kingofaces's Photo
    "Dude. The default buy times are fucking noob. You will never be iced using them."

    And I would have been able to figure that out for myself if someone would have simply answered my initial question. :P
    Mar 16 2011 09:55 AM
  • chaoprokia's Photo
    i think OCR is interval between each item. MS Pre haggle is the amount of time spent on the haggle page
    Mar 16 2011 10:06 AM
  • kingofaces's Photo
    Other threads I've looked at say OCR is basically when you are going and clicking on the Neopet image to enter your haggle amount. That's why I thought it made sense MS Prehaggle was the main screen of the shop and "finding the item". Either way, I guess knowledge about it is a little inconsistent.
    Mar 16 2011 10:41 AM