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I officially give up trying to withdraw my funds from my limited paypal account, money lost :(
Aug 28 2015 02:30 PM
  • Required's Photo
    I can request a check, not sure if that means withdrawing. Nonetheless, I do need to enter a valid US Adress & Credit card which I don't have. If anyone is interested in figuring this out, PM me please
    Aug 28 2015 06:18 PM
  • ausername's Photo
    So you have funds locked in a paypal account, but if you set it up with a US credit card and bank account they can be transferred to another paypal account? Is there an amount in there worth all of that trouble?

    I get they are trying to prevent fraud and laundering, but this seems a little unfair.
    Aug 28 2015 11:02 PM
  • Required's Photo
    Exactly. I understand that they just want me to prove that I'm a normal citizen of the U.S. Which I'm not haha. There isn't a lot of money in it but it is also not something that you don't care losing
    Aug 29 2015 02:49 AM