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April. Still no passport. Goddamnit.
Apr 05 2018 08:12 AM
  • Arnie's Photo
    @Ladida I'm way too far from the border with Guyana or Brazil; I'm from the central region, it's nearest to the colombian border. However, for Guyana you need the same documents as for any other country (Passport and others IDK their name in english) and also a Visa. I really don't know what i'm going to do, since I can't go anywhere without passport and migratory rules are hard, no matter the humanitarian situation (thanks to my work at this desk and internet, I'm better than others, i eat every day, at least). I suppose i will keep figthing the bureaucracy untill i made it. Thanks for your concern <3
    Apr 07 2018 09:15 PM
  • Ladida's Photo
    Do you still have your old passport? Or did you have to send it in when you applied for another? I'm seeing this thing about expired Venezuelan passports now valid for another two years? I don't know how that works, but if it can get you out of there, that'd be good! Are you eligible for refugee status as yet? You don't need a passport for that I think. There's a travel document that you'd get to allow you to enter the country you're seeking refuge in. We barely hear about Venezuela in the news, only the stupid border controversy but what does that matter when this is happening! THIS should be the focus, the Venezuelan people need international aid!
    Apr 07 2018 11:31 PM
  • Arnie's Photo
    I don't have and old passport, as many people my age and economic condition i never thought i would actually need it, then it resulted i could not afford it, now it's impossible to obtain due to corruption. It goes worst as time passes.
    Apr 09 2018 03:42 PM