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Not counting my duped items, my SDB is worth almost half a billion NPs :D
Nov 09 2014 06:44 PM
  • baswick's Photo
    Give me a restock or 2 @Wundy lol. Luckily, numerous times @masxed . I've landed some low rarity items as well, they just happened to be one of the first times that, that item stocked, and I was able to sell it for a butt load. And aside from that, investing. My account is less than 5 months old, I've gotten lucky with my RSing and decisions :D. But my account is pennies compared to @Dan 's :c
    Nov 10 2014 03:25 AM
  • masxed's Photo
    Awesome man, that's impressive. I've never got a r99 in 58 but I lay low a lot on my current account. I'm planning on switching over to a fresh account soon and letting my main rot lol.
    Nov 10 2014 02:18 PM
  • masxed's Photo
    Awesome man, that's impressive. I've never got a r99 in 58 but I lay low a lot on my current account. I'm planning on switching over to a fresh account soon and letting my main rot lol.
    Nov 10 2014 02:18 PM