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How do you make headaches/migraines go away without water or medicine because I've tried both? I've had it for three days now :(
May 05 2016 07:56 AM
  • NapisaurusRex's Photo
    That's the only useful thing I have, sorry. Chronic headaches run in my family, I've had the same one for 8 years and my dad/his dad both had theirs 20+.
    May 05 2016 01:50 PM
  • Ali's Photo
    Get thee to Boots in the morning, buy tiger balm.
    May 05 2016 01:53 PM
  • Kaddict's Photo
    If you have a regular doctor, and these migraines happen once in a while, you should go talk to him/her. Migraines aren't fun, and he/she could prescribed you something to have on hand so you don't have to suffer for 3 days next time this happens. Plus, you should always get checked out for consistent headaches, since you never know if it is a side effect of something more yucky.
    May 05 2016 02:19 PM